2014 SCEA hopefuls?

<p>We dissected owl pellets like 3 times. Once in 4th grade, once in 5th grade, and then once in 8th grade. I was supposed to dissect a frog…but umm I was “sick” that day. Hahahah I was in the 6th grade. :slight_smile: I’m still not big with dissecting stuff. </p>

<p>A pig heart?? woooooah.</p>

<p>Short answers–haha well I kinda imagined that I was being interviewed so I answered them like I would have if I was just put on the spot. They’re veryyy honest…and not filled with extra fluff haha. I think they’re really …“me” you know? Like…that’s totally how I would answer it if someone asked me. Sooo I guess it doesnt really matter which way you use as long as it shows who you are.</p>

<p>I just thought of an essay idea and i’m real excited. hahah let’s see if anything actually comes out of it. :)</p>

<p>I actually was sick the day we did fetal pigs, but I had to come in because I didn’t want to have to make it up…so that kind of sucked because I already felt really nauseous anyways…</p>

<p>Can you guys still smell the formaldehyde? Because every now and then I’ll just be innocently sitting at my computer and the smell kind of comes back out of nowhere :confused: </p>

<p>I won’t laugh! We named ours too…Sally…she was also a girl…
It was gross because there were mostly these small little slimy, embryonic looking ones that most people got, and then she ran out and there were 3 huge, almost-read-to-be-born ones in plastic bags that were harder and drier and of course that’s the kind we got…;alsdfkjas;ldkjf </p>

<p>Then we had a practical where we had to go in the hall one at a time with out pig and explain the different functions of the different organs she pointed to, but we were in the freaking hall!! So all these poor kids are just walking around innocently going to class and they have to see that. ugh, I felt SO bad for them.</p>

<p>Oh…is anyone else still not working on the supplement? Because I just don’t feel like until it’s actually out…how stupid is that?</p>

<p>I’m waiting to do mine too. Loving the conversation about dissection. We never did anything cool like that at school.</p>

<p>Well at my lab bench we had a girl and a boy pig so the four of us decided on Bonnie and Clyde lol! It was cute. Oh and of course one of my friends thought it’d be funny if he named his “Dinner”…
Overall I thought the dissection was awesome. Before I wasn’t so sure if I’d be able to handle it. Haha it smelled awful lol (it’s.been.real, am I thankful I don’t smell formaldehyde anymore!) but I really have a better appreciation for how organized and just awesomely efficient bodies are; very cool.</p>

<p>Formaldehyde is super dangerous. I’m not sure what the hearts were preserved in, but it definitely wasn’t formaldehyde. They were this gross grey colour, though. I think I remember my bio teacher saying that they aren’t allowed to use things preserved in formaldehyde in schools anymore, but that could be only in Canada.</p>

<p>I’ve never really smelled it, haha. I worked with paraformaldehyde this past week as part of my research thing but I don’t remember it smelling bad. It was really diluted, though, so maybe that’s why…</p>

<p>IT SMELLED SO BAD. We had 2 people to a pig and yeah, ours was really big…all of them were. Like they totally looked like they were about to be born. And with the smell and everything, it was soooo gross. And they had just dissected like rats and there were guts and stuff all over the place. Needless to say, we had a “barf bucket”. Me and my friend/partner had to go outside and “chill” a couple of times hahah just breathe in and breathe out…
it was the 7th grade :slight_smile: soooo we were prettyyy freaked out. Hahah thank goodness I don’t smell it anymore…that would be WEIRD since it was almost 5 years ago! But I have to say, getting to the brain was pretty cool since we were the only group that did so!

<p>Annnnd thank goodness our dissection was just a learning experience since we were so little. Basically just a chance to cut open a pig and look at everything inside and poke around. </p>

<p>I’m working on the supplement…only because school’s starting soon. aiojdfodasjfsdjsdl ahhh! SENIORS! ahhh! 2010! ahhh! :)</p>

<p>dissecting animals…i feel like i missed out big time on that school experience.</p>

<p>hey, totally off the point BUT i am going to visit Yale on wednesday and im sooooooo excited. i was wondering if any of you new haven-ites could give me some tips about good pizza places? and where is this famous Ashley’s ice cream ya’ll always talk about? my mom agreed to indulge me in the new haven experience and im going all out.</p>

<p>hahah off the point. nah, WE’RE the ones off the point…since this IS a Yale thread and all…hahah. :)</p>

<p>I’m no help in this whole New Haven experience since I live 22 hours away from it…haha. Buuut apparently Louis’ Lunch was where the hamburger originated…and you can’t get ketchup and stuff…just cheese and whatever. And the CUPCAKE TRUCK! I hope you see the cupcake truck! Ashley’s ice cream is…somewhere in new haven, close to yale?? haha noo idea.</p>

<p>have fun have fun have fuuuun! are you doing an interview? ahhh exciting! tell us how it goes!!</p>

<p>YALLLLLL! i’m going SHOPPING TOMORROW. soooo i’ll probably be gone all day. hahahahahhahahah. I’m so so so excited. Don’t go too crazy without me! =]</p>

<p>But… I go too crazy all the time.</p>

<p>According to Google Maps, I am 6 and a half days away from Yale, by foot. Walking distance.</p>

<p>HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That’s reminds of when you google map how to get to France from Massachusetts and step #23 is to swim across the Atlantic. LOLS. </p>

<p>Okay, so I would partially consider myself a New Haven expert because I’ve been there twice haha, but each time I spent the ENTIRE day there walking around. </p>

<p>Go to Yorkside for pizza, it’s a Yale tradition. They also have cheap burgers and stuff. Not the all time most amazing place, but it’s got that diner feel and there’s all kinds of Yale paraphernalia on the walls so it’ll get you in the mood. There’s also The Educated Burgher, which is a good place and also a swell pun :slight_smile: Only near Yale…only near Yale…</p>

<p>Basically, you’ll find all your main gin joints around Broadway St. that’s where the Yale Bookstore is as well, so PLEASE, for me, visit it because it’s very cool to walk in there and think that’s where all the smart Yalies buy their books, also across the way is where you can get Yale apparel and stuff, and right behind it is Morse College so you can visit that (since it’s not on the tour) and see how ugly it is… :confused: </p>

<p>Ashley’s is on York St., which is off of Elm. Basically, don’t drive around New Haven because almost every street is one way and it sucks a lot, so just walk. And by walking, all the main streets are around each other and there you will find plenty of stores (Urban, Amer. Appar., North Face, etc.) the classics (Starbucks, Dunkin, The Bookstore…), and then just have fun wandering and taking it all in! </p>

<p>If you go to Ashley’s get the Espresso Chip, it’s out of control!!!</p>

<p>Have a lot, a lot, a lot of fun!!!</p>

<p>[Google</a> Maps](<a href=“Google Maps”>Google Maps)</p>

<p><a href=“http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/1c/85/41/ashleys.jpg[/url]”>http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/1c/85/41/ashleys.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Also, that was so ridiculous ON topic it’s unreal…we’re all the ones who are off topic!</p>

<p>Also, on the map you can see just how close Old Campus is to everything in the center of New Haven, it’ll make late night Ashley’s runs that much more frequent :)</p>

<p>ROFL at rockermcr… make it a backpacker trip!! LOL.
trekking… brings back memories of d of e. *shudder.
on the topic of dissecting: i dropped science waaaay back in year 11, but i did end up dissecting a cow’s eye, a heart, and saw the teacher rip apart a set of cow’s lungs. eww.</p>

<p>What’s d of e?</p>

<p>I absolutely hate bio labs, because I am impaired with microscopes. Absoluuuutely impaired. And, I need glasses, and I usually use contacts but I regularly forget to put them in and microscope labs always coincide with contact-less days. Sooo, my lab partner and I need to keep adjusting the magnification between us to achieve the same focus, and I hate it.</p>

<p>If and when I go to Yale, I will spend a week inside Beinecke Library.</p>

<p>The coolest. Did you know the design is supposed to resemble a sheet of stamps? </p>

<p>I will spend a week in Sterling Memorial, absolutely. I’m really glad I’m a library kind of kid. Some kids just CANNOT sit still in a library, and it’s just too quiet for them, but I love them, which’ll be so handy for college…because honestly, I’ve been told it’s so hard to do real work in your dorm.</p>

<p>LOL. sorry, duke of edinburgh.
involves wanting to suicide while climbing 90degree mountain slopes with 14kg rucksacks.</p>

<p>No, but that makes sense.</p>

<p>My mother has a collection of stamps from the 70s and 80s, and it has stamps from all around the world, and I don’t understand how she got them all. Craziness.</p>

<p>Question: What demographic are magazines like GQ meant for? I just don’t understand. I never realized “metrosexual” was a legitimate demographic.</p>

<p>*dont mind above comment, wrong thread.</p>

<p>It is a legitimate demographic…it’s meant for built guys who care how they look. </p>

<p>Chace Crawford kind of guys. </p>

<p><a href=“http://evilbeetgossip.film.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/chace_crawford.jpg[/url]”>http://evilbeetgossip.film.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/chace_crawford.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;