<p>HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That’s reminds of when you google map how to get to France from Massachusetts and step #23 is to swim across the Atlantic. LOLS. </p>
<p>Okay, so I would partially consider myself a New Haven expert because I’ve been there twice haha, but each time I spent the ENTIRE day there walking around. </p>
<p>Go to Yorkside for pizza, it’s a Yale tradition. They also have cheap burgers and stuff. Not the all time most amazing place, but it’s got that diner feel and there’s all kinds of Yale paraphernalia on the walls so it’ll get you in the mood. There’s also The Educated Burgher, which is a good place and also a swell pun Only near Yale…only near Yale…</p>
<p>Basically, you’ll find all your main gin joints around Broadway St. that’s where the Yale Bookstore is as well, so PLEASE, for me, visit it because it’s very cool to walk in there and think that’s where all the smart Yalies buy their books, also across the way is where you can get Yale apparel and stuff, and right behind it is Morse College so you can visit that (since it’s not on the tour) and see how ugly it is… </p>
<p>Ashley’s is on York St., which is off of Elm. Basically, don’t drive around New Haven because almost every street is one way and it sucks a lot, so just walk. And by walking, all the main streets are around each other and there you will find plenty of stores (Urban, Amer. Appar., North Face, etc.) the classics (Starbucks, Dunkin, The Bookstore…), and then just have fun wandering and taking it all in! </p>
<p>If you go to Ashley’s get the Espresso Chip, it’s out of control!!!</p>
<p>Have a lot, a lot, a lot of fun!!!</p>
<p>[Google</a> Maps](<a href=“Google Maps”>Google Maps)</p>
<p><a href=“http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/1c/85/41/ashleys.jpg[/url]”>http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/1c/85/41/ashleys.jpg</a></p>
<p>Also, that was so ridiculous ON topic it’s unreal…we’re all the ones who are off topic!</p>