2014 SCEA hopefuls?

<p>Eat it on… anything?! It’s a spread like peanut butter; on crepes, toast, etc. Yummm.
I made cupcakes for a friend’s birthday and used jutella instead of frosting :P</p>

<p>Oooh, it’s.been.real beat me! I was on the phone lol, typing slowly with one hand. Took a whilee.
ANDD she covered it all, a very comprehensive guide to nutella delicacies and overall happiness. :smiley:
But look! Their official website: <a href=“Homepage | Nutella® | Official Website”>Homepage | Nutella® | Official Website;

Even more reasons why I need to visit France.</p>

<p>One time I made brownies and frosted them with Nutella. It was amazing, I definitely recommend it :)</p>

<p>Nutella smoothies are definitely the best :)</p>

<p>You can get Nutella milkshakes here too, in shops that make milkshakes out of anything (my local one makes cucumber flavour shakes…)</p>

<p>Hmm, cucumber is pretty far out! I’ve had an avocado smoothie before, at a sushi restaurant. Yum.</p>

<p>…you know what I hate? “Yum-o.” A la Rachel Ray. Does she bother anyone else!!! I don’t understand why there is a need for “stoup” and “yum-o” in this world!</p>

<p>obsessing about yale doesn’t increase your chances.</p>

<p>It doesn’t decrease them either.</p>

<p>it will definitely make rejection/deferral feel worse, though</p>

<p>I’m completely happy to be going through the process of admissions with such an enthusiastic, bright group of people who I enjoy conversing with (about everything from Yale to health care reform to nutella haha)
Haha thanks for assuming. Sure I’d be really disappointed, but hell it’s not like it’ll be the end of the world. I’ll just be the other 93% or whatever who didn’t get in. And acceptance or not, I’ve met some amazing friends.
I’m not holding back, if that’s what people are scared of. I love Yale and that’s really that.
When you apply, you face the fact that there are two possible results. You should be able to handle both. So why not enjoyy the process? I guess you could say I’m too optimistic and light about college applications and such, but at least while others smother their passion for a school for fear of rejection, I’m pretty determined to appreciate my love for Yale, this opportunity to apply for a school I’m obsessed with, and enjoy the people that I have encountered…live it up. I have to say that before this summer, being rejected at Yale would mean drowning in misery. Not so much anymore. Hell yes I’ll be really disappointed, but I’ll get over it. Everyone fears rejection at least a little bit, but we have to DEAL WITH IT when it happens. And of course celebrate when we succeed. Some things are meant to be. Or not!
Okay, I’m done :]
You can tell I’m in a pretty cheerful mood. </p>

<p>P.S. These people on this thread are hilarious and supportive. What fun! You can join the party if you’d like to. We’re a nutella house lol.</p>

<p>WAIT just kidding, I’m NOT done lol!</p>

<p>If any of us got in (and not myself, in context), I’d be super proud of them.
Also, if not somehow all, or any combination of us got in (hopefully including me!), BDD would be insaneeee.</p>

<p>ALSO. This thread. It’s just FUN. Can we not have our fun in peace?! Without people tsk tsking us for being together because of a shared love?</p>

<p>lol i’m not even applying to yale SCEA</p>

<p>“If any of us got in (and not myself, in context), I’d be super proud of them.
Also, if not somehow all, or any combination of us got in (hopefully including me!), BDD would be insaneeee.”</p>

<p>Pretty much exactly what I was going to say.</p>

<p>Being friends with people who are experiencing the same thing makes it easier. I know it’s incredibly unlikely that all of us will get in, but no matter what we’ll all generally end up somewhere great and I’ll be thrilled for any one of us who gets into a school they love - be it Yale or otherwise.</p>

<p>Aww PN!</p>

<p>Choklit Rain - Hmm doesn’t matter. Are you applying to Yale though?</p>

<p>Then don’t rain on our parade. And as you have failed to notice about 96% of this thread hasn’t even been about Yale, or even college. </p>

<p>I also could not echo what Demiitasse said more. I wouldn’t necessarily say we’re friends, since none of us have met before, but it’s a fantastic support group that you really couldn’t find anywhere else. I mean, hell, this is a group of people who will understand if a bird pooped on your face in the shape of a Y and you took it as a good omen. No one else would understand that.
You’ve gotta ride the roller coaster baby, and if you can’t find some way to enjoy the college admissions process then you will drown in melancholy every day of your life until orientation at whatever college you do end up at next fall, which doesn’t sound very fun to me…but whatever floats your boat.
In other words, we’re having a lovely time being happy so you’re welcome to join us if you’d like because it’s quite fun.</p>

<p>GUYS! You all posted at the same time as me, which sort of dampened the effect of my post. But it’s okay because you all posted in love :)</p>

<p>AHH awesomeee!
And lmaoo at the bird poop reference, it’s.been.real! So true!</p>

<p>“I wouldn’t necessarily say we’re friends, since none of us have met before, but it’s a fantastic support group that you really couldn’t find anywhere else.”</p>

<p>True, but I do feel like we’re becoming friends.</p>

<p>Aw. Can you feel the love in here?</p>

<p>I’m going to bed now. Dreams of yalelove.</p>

<p>No I totally agree, I only say that because I just wish we could all ACTUALLY be friends. But it is the internet, and sometimes I lose sight of the fact that none of us actually know each other even though we’ve bonded on a surreal level. </p>

<p>I do feel the love in here, it’s incredible :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do with myself when all of this comes to a close. We should all keep in touch though and update each other on what’s happening in life, wherever we end up.</p>

<p>PN, it’s like 3 in the morning! What the hell!?</p>