2015 AAs Where Are You Applying?

<p>Majors: French and History or International Relations/Studies</p>


<p>University of Cambridge, Newnham College <— my ultimate dream school!
Yale <— The other dream school :stuck_out_tongue:
Tufts <— my favorite match school!
Barnard </p>


<p>University of Edinburgh
Boston College
Simmons </p>

<p>I’m visiting all of them this fall! :smiley: I need to do even more research. It’s getting harder, though, because there are a lot of schools I would consider if they were in different locations - Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore, the Claremont colleges, Agnes Scott. I don’t care for Pennsylvania and I don’t know if I’d fit in in LA. The South is out, period. I don’t like it. I’m sorta-kinda-maybe-not really interested in Howard, but I’ve been around black people *all of my life<a href=“school,%20church,%20county”>/i</a> and it’s right up the street anyway. I’m looking for a change!</p>

<p>@pomona: I was surprised about my interest in Howard, too! My family and friends will be the first to tell you how I get about HBCUs and area schools, so taking a serious interest in a university that happens to be both is kind of lol-worthy. :stuck_out_tongue: How’d it get on your list?</p>

<p>Yale (EA)
Macaulay Honors @ CUNY
Binghamton University
Stony Brook</p>

<p>The official 15. Yes, 15 lol.</p>

Cooper Union
Caltech EA
Brown </p>

Harvey Mudd
Swarthmore </p>

Georgia Tech EA
Case Western EA
UW-Madison (In-state)
Union College</p>

<p>topasalacqua13, I’m pleased to see that you’re applying to Macaulay. Out of curiosity, to which campus will you be sending your application?</p>

<p>daydream11, if you’re open to going abroad, why aren’t you considering LSE?</p>



<p>I’m not too sure Tufts can be considered a match for anyone; it’s extremely selective.</p>

<p>pomona2015, is there any reason you’re not applying to Georgetown SFS?</p>



Ah, too true. =\ But I love it.</p>

<p>I did consider LSE, but I thought I needed a math AP…??? (Which, I might add, would never happen, muuuch less getting a 4 or a 5) I just looked it up. Turns out for the BSc International Relations and History degree program(me) I wouldn’t, but it’d make senior year hella stressful because while I have three 4s in relevant subjects (EngLang, EuroHist, USHist), I need… four 5s out of at least five exams and… well, if I’m already doing it for Cambridge, I might as well add LSE to my UCAS form. Hmmm…</p>

<p>Thank you. :)</p>

<li>Harvard - My DREAM SCHOOL!</li>
<li>Carnegie Mellon</li>

<p>Cambridge- New Hall
UNC -Chapell Hill

<p>Intended Major : Mathematics
Intended Minor : Journalism or Psychology</p>

<p>SUNY-Oswego (under EOP)
SUNY-Albany ( under EOP)
SUNY-Buffalo (Under EOP)
SUNY-Buffalo State
SUNY-Binghamton (Under EOP)
SUNY- Purchase
CUNY-City College
CUNY-Hunter College
CUNY- BMCC( Just in case…)
Pace University
Fordham University
<em>maybe</em> Syracuse</p>



<p>Uh - you’re welcome? I didn’t do much. ;)<br>
And with regard to math, I must say this:
I suck at math. Like, really. Somehow, I got a 5 on the exam. It’s graded very leniently - I think you would be able to manage with sufficient preparation.</p>

<p>Meekuh93, why aren’t you applying to Macaulay Honors?</p>

<p>I’m a little nervous about my list but this is what i have so far:
I’m interested in IR/ Area & Ethnic Studies
Brown University
Williams College
Tufts University
Wesleyan University
American University
Mount Holyoke College
Union College
Syracuse University
SUNY Purchase</p>

<p>I’m also considering Ithaca College but I don’t know if it’s a complete waste of time.</p>

<p>CasaAtreides, the reason why I’m not applying for Macaulay Honors is because I don’t meet the requirements for freshman admissions to get in. I have a 3.0- 3.1 W and that’s not enough for Macaulay. My plan is to get accepted into a CUNY under regular admission, work hard, and qualify for it sophomore year of college.</p>



<p>My friend, I am sorry to burst your bubble, but you can only be accepted into Macaulay as a freshman. :(</p>

<p>However, if you do work hard, you may qualify for CUNY Honors. A good friend of mine is attending CUNY Honors at City College and absolutely loves it, and it goes without saying that they do give you many of the same kind attentions paid to the Macaulay students. It’s not the same thing, but it’s a close second indeed.</p>

<p>I’m feeling very anxious about my chances which has led me to consider a lot of state schools. Add to this that my school does not release UW gpa’s , only weighted ones. I also have to take the SAT and SAT@2’s again. So…
For Now
EA /rolling
University of Pittsburgh- Honors program
Rutgers University- honors program
Penn state Main
UMD- main campus
and if I can convince my parents U Chicago</p>

<p>If that goes well ; I <em>might</em> apply to
Brown University
Boston University
Columbia University
Johns Hopkins

<p>but these seem to be aiming too high and I’m afraid to even think about it.</p>

<p>So i’m two- tiered without matches…</p>

<p>Thanks ! I was thinking about abount CUNY Honors too. I want to be challenged as much as possible since for all my HS school years I took at least one honors class. I’ll look into it’s incentives.</p>


Thanks because I’m now strongly considering an option that I had completely disregarded at first. :slight_smile: (Turns out I’m falling in love with it as a strong second to Cambridge.) The math requirement is for GCSEs, not A-levels, which makes me wonder if I need to take a math AP or if my regular classes will do. I’m going to have to ask tomorrow.</p>

<p>@nil: Why would you have to convince your folks about UChicago? Is it the area? And I think a lot of schools recalculate GPA. It’s not on your list, but as an example UMichigan does that even if your high school doesn’t send out UW GPAs.</p>

<p>Major: Biochemistry and/or Molecular Biology</p>

<p>Boston University
Brown University
Harvard College
Johns Hopkins
Northwestern University
Rice University
Southwestern University
Stanford University
University of Michigan
Washington University in St.Louis</p>

<p>Major: Either Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering</p>

<p>Stanford (REA)
Carnegie Mellon

<p>^ Just as a note, you might need a safety. I’m sure you’re amazing, but better safe than sorry!</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I’m applying to UF as well.</p>