2015 African American Results Thread

<p>Accepted and applied to Ohio State University, University of Pittsburgh, University of Texas-Austin, Penn State, Texas Christian University and Texas Tech.
Attending: Ohio State University
Major: B.S. Computer and Information Science
Scholarships: None but the Post 9/11 GI Bill will cover all costs at OSU and my home state will pay for my Graduate School for free!</p>

<p>Transfer GPA: 3.7
High School GPA: 3.5 UW/3.8 W
AP/Honors: Was in a Magnet school so I had no choice but to take all honors and 7 AP courses throughout the Academy.
High School Rank: (111/615; Science Academy: 21/65)
State or Country: Texas
School Type: (High School: Magnet inside a public school
/ College: Public)
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: African-American
Age: 26</p>

<p>Comments: I am very grateful to be accepted to these great institutions. I joined the Army right after high school back in 2002. I applied as a transfer student since I have earned 65 credits since I have been in the service. I will start as a freshman though so I can get the whole college experience from bottom on up. I am in the Army right now but I get out in February. OSU was my first choice and when I got accepted last week I was really excited :). Nervous about attending college because of the drastic changes I will experience just leaving the military and then having to adapt to a college life. I will be good to go though. I hope all of you are able to attend at least one of your top three choices. Good luck and God Bless! Go Bucks!</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: Iowa State, U of Iowa, U of Nebraska, Spelman, Creighton </p>

<p>Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: yes</p>

ACT: 25
GPA: 3.0 (UW), 3.6(W)
Rank: 95/365</p>

<p>Ap Courses: World History, English, Psych, Government, Environmental Science</p>

Essays: Bomb
Teacher Recs: Standard
Counselor Rec: Standard</p>

<p>Location/Person US-Midwest
School Type: Public
Gender: Female</p>

<p>major strength/weakness: Writing(strength) -weakness(math)</p>

<p>Accepted because…urm, academics +act score</p>

<p>significant awards/recognitions: too many to list</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: Spelman College EA
Applied To: UT Austin, Texas A&M, Baylor, Prairie View A&M, Texas Southern, Howard, Spelman, Georgia State, Clark Atlanta, Hampton
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: No</p>

<p>[ b]Stats:[ /b][ list]
SAT: 1500 (Combined Math and Reading, its horrible i know)
SAT IIs: None
ACT: 26
GPA: 91.2546
Rank: 122/678 (Our senior class is super competitive, number 50 has a 93GPA!)
Ap Courses:
Took all honors and Pre-APs 10th Grade year, and sadly all regulars freshman year because we moved mid semester…
11th Grade: AP Pre-Cal, APUSH, AP English III
12th Grade: AP Stats, AP Gov, AP English IV, Medical Microbiology honors
Other stats:</p>

<p>[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
Essays: Mediocre in my opinion, but my English teacher loved it.
Teacher Recs: Average (Keep in mind that my school district is up and coming and none of my teachers from previous years are still there, they always move to the new school)
Counselor Rec: Amazing! (Even though ive had a different counselor every year, this one is by far the best and ive only known her a few months)
Hook (if any): URM</p>

<p>[ /list][ b]Location/Person:[ /b][ list]
State or Country: Texas
School Type: Public
Gender: Female
Major strength/weakness:
Strength:Creative Writing, I been featured twice in the Lit Mag, and my past English teachers have given me awards for my stories. Plus my creative writing teacher chose me personally to be featured in the senior lit mag edition my 10th grade year.
Weakness: Timed Writing, I got the minimum on both the SAT and ACT writings. Something about having to come up with something amazing in 25 mins gives me writer’s block
Why you think you were accepted/rejected/differed where you were:
To be honest, I have no idea. The ECs on some of the others applying were well above mine…
Significant awards/recognitions:
Ive been a member of Thespian Honor Society since freshman year and held 3 officer positions. National Honor Society Member, Tried to found a Black Student Union at school, but was denied, Spanish Honor Society member since 10th grade, Science Bowl Participant freshman year, Literary Magazine Writer, etc
Summer activities: Had a part-time job</p>

<p>[ /list][ b]Other Factors:[ /b]
Varsity Basketball Manager (1 year)
JV Tennis Player (Just started like a month ago so no way for varsity, 1 year)
Varsity Colorguard (Flag and min, basics on rifle, 1 year)
Drama Club (Been in charge of numerous productions, ASM, AD, Stage Manager, House Manager, etc.)
Orchestra (Violist for 2 years)
SISA (Support club for foreign exchange students, 4 years)</p>

<p>Has Countless community service hours tied with NHS and Thespians, such as going to local libraries and bookstores and performing reader’s theatre for the kids. Hopefully we’ll be able to go to the hospital and perform soon.</p>

<p>@loveasha 1500 combined Reading and Math is great?!?!</p>

<p>Major typo
I made a 1550 overall
And an 1100 combined math and reading. </p>

<p>That’s no where near great</p>

<p>Congrats to all! Good job quinnlacey! Thanks for your service! BusinessSchola, My daughter is a junior at Duke. Hope you get to BSAI!</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: University of Alabama, University of Georgia(EA), Auburn University
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: UA - UA Scholar (2/3 tuition), UGA - Charter Scholarship, AU - Heritage Scholarship (2/3 tuition)</p>

ACT - 30
GPA: 4.19 (weighted) - 3.9 Unweighted
Rank: 6/525
AP Courses: 7
Other stats:
Essays: none
Teacher Recs: none
Counselor Rec:none
Hooks: URM
State or Country: Georgia
School Type:
Gender: F
major strength/weakness:
why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: ACT Score and GPA
significant awards/recognitions:
summer activities:
Other Factors</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: Old Dominion University (my safety school).
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: not yet. i’ll know by february.</p>

SAT: 1380.
SAT IIs: didn’t take.
ACT: didn’t take.
GPA: 3.6
Rank: 108/288
Ap Courses: 3 (2 senior year, 1 junior year).
Other stats: 4.0 for first quarter grades.
Essays: just a personal statement, i thought it was pretty easy.
Teacher Recs: i think they were good.
Counselor Rec: my school actually switched counselors, but i think my new counselor wrote a good rec after giving him all of my information.
Hooks: urm.
State or Country: virginia.
School Type: public … nothing special about it lol.
Gender: female.
major strength/weakness:
strenghts - news editor of school paper, involved in community service.
weakness - sat scores and sophomore year gpa (3.3)
why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: odu isn’t hard to get into, it was my safety.
significant awards/recognitions: who’s who among high school students in 2007-2008
summer activities: community service with key club.
Comments: waitlisted at george mason, will hear back from jmu next week (first choice), and i’ll know something from vcu by late march.</p>

<p>Congratulations, all! Keep the success stories coming! :)</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: FLorida State, UCF, USF, UNF, JU. Waiting on notification from UF
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program:Summer Care Program: full tuition paid(including housing,books,room and dining) for the summer term</p>

<p>[ b]Stats:[ /b][ list]
[ *] SAT: 1730 (combined0
[ *] SAT IIs: applied to Florida schools that didnt require to take
[ *] ACT: 28
[ *] GPA: 3.6 UW 4.4 W
[ *] Rank: 70/713
[ *] Ap Courses:AP Lit, AP Cal AB/BC, AP US History
[ *] Other stats:Dual enrolled will have 30 transferable credits
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Essays: great
[ *] Teacher Recs: good
[ *] Counselor Rec: awesome; she goes to my church so I’ve known her all my life
[ *] Hooks: URM
[ /list][ b]Location/Person:[ /b][ list]
[ *] State or Country:Florida
[ *] School Type:Public
[ *] Gender:Female
[ *] major strength/weakness:not a great (SAT/ACT) taker
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were:I think I was accepted because of my dversity and well rounded application
[ *] significant awards/recognitions:Baptist Team leader Award 2007-2010
Inspirational Youth Choir Award- for determination and consistency of being a committed member of the choir
Biology Award 2008-Honors biology award for highest average among the classes.
Presidents award 2007-2009- outstanding gpa
Principals award 2007-2009- A and B honor roll
Baptist Volunteer perfect attendance award 2007-2010
NHS inductee Award- University Christian School and Mandarin High School Chapter 2008-present
Beta Club Inductee Award- University Christian school chapter 2007-present
Special Olympics Volunteer Award- 2008-present
Basketball award-best defensive player 2007-present
Scholar Athlete Award- Award for maintaining commendable grades while participating in athletic sports. 2009-2010
[ *] summer activities:Baptist Medical Center Veteran Volunteer
[ /list][ b]Other Factors:[ /b]</p>

<p>For my D:
UPDATE to add another acceptance:</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: MIT (EA), UC Davis
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: Not yet</p>

SATIIs: 800, 790, 760, 760, 750
ACT - n/a
GPA: 4.3 (weighted) - 3.9 Unweighted
Rank: top 1-2% of 700 students
AP Courses: 12
AP Exams: 8 taken so far (All with score of 5)
Awards: NMSF, NASF, National AP Scholar, various academic, math, science and athletic awards and honors
Essays: Great
Teacher Recs: Great
Counselor Rec: Great
Hooks: URM (AA), girl in science (?)
State or Country: CA
School Type: Public
Gender: F
major strength/weakness: Strengths: High scores, mastery of challenging curriculum, has shown potential in many different subjects and areas. Weakness: Unclear about preferred major, so writing essays was a challenge.
why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: High scores. Very well-rounded candidate. Showed that she was good or excellent in many categories. Teachers seem to like her.
summer activities: internship, science program, holiday
Miscellaneous: Good luck to everyone! Thrilled about MIT! Will post again as more results come in.</p>

<p>@Dignified1 Wow! Congratulations</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: George Mason Virginia Union, and Regent University
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: Yes</p>

<p>SAT: 1820/2400
SAT IIs:nope
Rank: 31/443
Ap Courses: AP Gov, AP World, AP Lang/Comp, AP Lit/Comp, AP US</p>

<p>Other stats:</p>

<p>Essays: Bueno
Teacher Recs: Muy Bien
Counselor Rec: Muy Bien
Hooks: …none</p>

<p>State or Country:VA
School Type:Public
Gender: F
major strength/weakness: Writing is my strength, math is my weakness
why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: I think my gpa was higher than average at the institution.
significant awards/recognitions: Volunteering and School awards
[ *] summer activities: Job, volunteering, a bunch of other random stuff
[ /list][ b]Other Factors:[ /b]</p>

<p>Congrats on GMU!
I just got my letter from them!</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: Drexel University
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: Dean’s Scholarship - $13,000</p>

SAT: 1110/1590 [Highest from all test dates] 1090/1570 [Single test date]
SAT IIs:470 Chemistry, 460 Literature, 570 Mathematics Level 1, 480 Biology E, 450 U.S. History
GPA: 4.0
Rank: 2/95
AP Courses: AP English
Other stats:
Essays: Excellent
Teacher Recs: Excellent
Counselor Rec: Excellent
Hooks: URM
State or Country: New York
School Type: Non-Selective Public
Gender: Female
Major strength/Weakness: SAT Scores :l
Why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: Expressed interest
Significant awards/recognitions: Academic Awards, Student of the Month, Honor Roll
Summer activities: Internship and volunteering
Other Factors: Plenty of internships and Leadership positions</p>

<p>For my S
Accepted at Case Western (~1/2 tuition) Indiana honors ($6K per yr); Rhodes (1/2 tuition) UGA ($0)
Applied EA but Deferred to RD at - Chicago</p>

<p>[ *] SAT:1500/2130 (M=700; V=800)
[ *] SAT IIs: none
[ *] ACT: 30
[ *] GPA: 3.4
[ *] Rank: HS does not rank
[ *] Ap Courses: will have taken 5 in total (5 GOV; 4 in USHist)
[ *] Other stats:
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Essays: Fair
[ *] Teacher Recs: Never saw them.
[ *] Counselor Rec: AWSOME
[ *] Hooks: URM, AA male
[ *] State or Country: USA; Southeast
[ *] School Type: Very Selective Private w/rigorous curriculum
[ *] Gender: M
[ *] major strength/weakness: Strong analytical and verbal skills/ only average in math grades
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: Liked scores/ but GPA was even
[ *] significant awards/recognitions: NAF, NMSF, Dean’s list/honor roll
[ *] summer activities: Docent, camp counselor, vacation</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: Drexel University
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: nope</p>

[<em>] SAT:
[</em>] SAT IIs:
[<em>] ACT:
[</em>] GPA: 3.6 or 3.7 UW 3.8 W
[<em>] Rank: school doesnt rank
[</em>] Ap Courses: APUSH, AP Lang, AP Econ, AP Psych, AP Stats
[<em>] Other stats:
[/ul][ b]Subjective:**[ul]
[</em>] Essays:
[<em>] Teacher Recs: I don’t think I needed one for Drexel
[</em>] Counselor Rec: ok I guess
[<em>] Hooks: URM
[</em>] State or Country: south
[<em>] School Type: public
[</em>] Gender: female
[<em>] major strength/weakness: sat score :confused:
[</em>] why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: eh I’m not 100% sure but all of my stats were well within their range, it wasn’t a long shot for me
[<em>] significant awards/recognitions:
[</em>] summer activities: summer job, summer program at a major public Uni
[/ul]Other Factors:</p>

<p>glad to have one acceptance under my belt, and that my first response was an acceptance</p>

<p>don’t know all stats, but D was accepted at Loyola University Maryland, Temple, and Hofstra. Hofstra offering most aid so far - $17000/yr. Waiting on American for acceptance. Waiting to hear from Loyola re:aid.</p>

<p>University of Florida (summer b), Central Florida, FIU, South Florida, Miami (EA)

  • Scholarship from UCF ($12,000), USF ($14,000), FIU ($1,500)

<pre><code>* SAT: 510 (M), 530 (CR), 560 (W)

  • SAT IIs: did not take
  • ACT: 25
  • GPA: unweighted 3.61, weighted 5.43
  • Rank: N/A
  • AP Courses: English Lit, English Language (3), Music Theory (3), U.S. History, Biology, U.S. Government, Macroeconomics, Environmental Science, Calculus AB
  • Other stats: N/A


<pre><code>* Essays: Not needed

  • Teacher Recs: 4
  • Counselor Rec: 2
  • Hooks: Presidential Scholar, National Society of High School Scholars


<pre><code>* State or Country: Florida

  • School Type: Public/preparatory

  • Gender: F

  • major strength/weakness: strength: English, Weakness: a little bit of math

  • why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: having a full load of classes and community service, plus working extra hard on my essays

  • significant awards/recognitions: NHS, National Society of High School Scholars, AP Scholar

  • summer activities: working at homeless shelters, community outreach organzation in Miami. participant in the National and Global Young Leaders Conference and so much more

<p>Bumping this thread to remind others to post!
Also, Updating for D:</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: MIT (EA), UC Davis, Duke (likely), Wellesley (likely), UPenn (likely), USC
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: National Achievement</p>

SAT: 1520/1600; 2320/2400
SATIIs: 800, 790, 760, 760, 750
ACT - n/a
GPA: 4.3 (weighted) - 3.9 Unweighted
Rank: top 1-2% of 700 students (school does not rank)
AP Courses: 12
AP Exams: 8 taken so far (All with score of 5)
Awards: NMSF, NASF, National AP Scholar, various academic, math, science and athletic awards and honors
Essays: Great
Teacher Recs: Great
Counselor Rec: Great
Hooks: URM (AA), girl in science (?)
State or Country: CA
School Type: Public
Gender: F
major strength/weakness: Strengths: High scores, mastery of challenging curriculum, has shown potential in many different subjects and areas. Weakness: Unclear about preferred major, so writing essays was a challenge.
why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: High scores. Very well-rounded candidate. Showed that she was good or excellent in many categories. Teachers seem to like her.
summer activities: internship, science program, holiday
Miscellaneous: Good luck to everyone! Very happy about all of the acceptances. Hoping for sufficient finaid.</p>