**2017 NHRP Scholars** — Scholarships

@MangoLover11223 In that case, I got a 1350 in Texas, but I think for the southwest you could score a 1280 or 1290 and still qualify. Not sure about other regions, though.

I’m currently done with my 1st 2 years of University and came here to vent. I was notified by the NHRP for my 207 in High School but come September I was only given an Honorable Mention for my GPA. I had a 4.46 Weighted and a 3.38 unweighted (IB Student). I assumed at the time, as a naive and not responsible 18 year old, that they must only look at unweighted GPA’s for the 3.5 minimum, but now that I’m struggling to make ends meet going into my 3rd year I did some research and found out I should have gotten the award!

My University, UCF in Orlando, gives a $48,000 scholarship ($6k a semester) for national Hispanic scholars. Luckily my ACT was a 33 and solid grades and essays got me the Pegasus Gold Scholarship and Bright Futures, which covered tuition (about $3500 for 12 credit hours). But this would’ve been more than even what my loans could give me!

I’m currently working on speaking with the NHRP, my old guidance counselor and my school to see if I can get this scholarship, which I believe I deserve based on my performance in the past.

I haven’t had much luck yet but I’m just getting started in this process and I guess I’m just emailing to warn those taking lots of advanced classes with high weighted GPA’s but unweighted GPA’s below 3.5 to speak with your guidance counselor and make sure they send your weighted one. It could award you a lot of money in the near future or at least save you a lot of time trying to get that fixed.

I have a question: When the GC sent your GPA in the verification form, did the GC wrote the unweighted GPA? did he/she sent both?

I requested a copy of everything that would be submitted to NHRP by the counselor for D18 and following up to be sure that it had arrived and was being processed. I seem to recall a spot on NHRP’s form for indicating weighted or unweighted and if I am not mistaken the counselor listed the unweighted.

I’m sorry to hear that. Press on and I wish you the very best in succeeding with this and if not this, then put that energy into a positive alternative. You are going to do great in life and thanks for taking the time to come back and give some advice to the next wave of NHRP’ers.