**2017 NHRP Scholars** — Scholarships

Does anyone know what we actually upload to the colleges? I applied EA to Northeastern and would like to upload my documentation but don’t know what to upload. Should we just upload our letter we got in the mail and/or our certificate saying “2017-18 Scholar awarded to …”?

@xMoj10 Great question! I know that National Hispanic Scholars received a letter and certificate in August recognizing them.
I’m wondering if it is even necessary to upload to your application?

Hey all! I too was named a National Hispanic Scholar and I have been researching money options. Has anyone heard about what Auburn offers? I know in another discussion from 2009 they give generous scholarships but I cannot seem to find any information on it recently. I am going to call Monday but if anyone has any information it would be much appreciated.

I know it depends on the university. UAB Birmingham requires you to email copies, but I’ve called other schools and they have told me they have a list sent by the college board. I’d call to check!

Anyone else on here stalking this thread ever since they were named Hispanic Scholar?

Me lol @Keop16

What are the key differences between ASU and U of AZ. NHRP offers at both. At U of AZ award is linked to GPA and ACT score but living costs are less. ASU has no strings attached but R&B is $3-4K higher. At ASU you do not have to join the Honors College and U of AZ is auto admit to Honors College. Schools are closely ranked nationally, U of AZ slightly better ranked in B school but Tempe campus appears nicer on website and in a big city. Tucson is a bit sleepy but could be better for student study habits :slight_smile: Any views?

I applied to ASU just as a safety and got in. The campus itself looks nice and the process to apply was easy. You can always apply to both if you are not sure. It depends on your major as well I am looking at engineering so I picked ASU. I think Room and Board is higher at ASU depending on if you do Barrett’s Honors College as well as the rooming is nicer. Otherwise in my own opinion I took ASU only as a safety that would give money just because I don’t know if Arizona in general is really for me. @austilatino I would research on what exactly you are looking for between these schools and what major you are looking for to help you decide.

Thanks! I received full tuition at ASU, AZ, TX State, UNT, Nebraska, KY; partial at TX A&M but more scholarships not announced till Feb and I hear UT Austin doesn’t give much away but keeps tuition down, so now I am mulling it over and it looks like ASU and AZ have better rank, sunshine and any extra money can be used for grad school also. I am from Chicago but now in Austin and I can’t go back to that horrible snow and winter depression :slight_smile: I am thinking of skipping the Ivies and save the cash for grad school cuz undergrad really doesn’t amount to much these days, so say my parents who went to Ivy league undergrads. What negatives do u consider about the sunshine state?

Hey @austilatino I am a Dallas native and lived in Texas all my life so I guess I am biased but I feel Arizona heat and Texas heat are way different. I feel the other schools on my list actually have seasons haha and will be something different than what I am used to a change of pace so to speak. Of course if given the opportunity to go to ASU for a full ride and I get into a school like UTD that doesn’t completely give a full ride I would probably pick ASU. Again these are safeties and I am really hoping I can get at least one of my top choices. Also for ASU how did you contact them for the scholarship did you send a copy of the award? Also side note UT Austin doesn’t give much aid fair warning as they feel they already have a lower price for in state tuition than most schools.

ASU validated NHRP without contacting me. AZ wanted email copy of certificate. A&M offered the $14K without any info from me. UT admitted me cuz top 7% and then the app sat for 2 months. Once I sent in a 32 ACT, the offer came 12 hours later. I guess the essays don’t mean much :slight_smile: UTD gives full ride at ACT 32 and additional $1K stipend but A&M and UT have higher ranked engineering programs. UT Austin gives nothing for NHRP but a nice sales pitch lunch- they have enough folks applying. Yeah, if you want seasons, MN, Fordham, Northeastern, Boston, Nebraska all have partial or full but Nebraska was easiest application. If u want real cold, U of Chicago offers $4K-$30K for NHRP but sticker price is $65K so you still have to show need or get loans to pay the balance.

Hey thank you for your input @austilatino I appreciate it. Does anyone in this thread have any good schools that give scholarships for National Hispanic Scholar that are ranked near the high end? I know that U Chicago is rated highly but if anyone knows of any other good ones I would appreciate it.

@Chozley Reading through the various NHRP threads, the highest-ranked schools I noticed were Northeastern, BU, U Richmond, and Fordham. None are automatic; look at each website carefully (e.g. Richmond says something about the NHRP students being considered for presidential scholarships that are 1/3 tuition).

ah thank you @evergreen5

Anyone else looking to go into engineering? I’m applying for Computer Engineering and so far Nebraska seems to be the most affordable choice with a decent engineering program.(ASU is also pretty good, but it’s way too far for me plus after living in a place of eternal summer, I’m looking for colder weather.

Hey @Keop16 you chose my exact engineering major I’m applying for lol northeastern has a good program too from the stats I’ve seen and its an easy application. I applied to ASU UT and A&M both have pretty good programs if you are ok with texas heat.

I am sorry- the link for the schools isn’t attached- is there a website or a place I can look for link

Thank You

Hi! I was wondering if anyone thinks a 203 is a good score for being able to qualify?

@MangoLover11223 I think it depends on where you are. I’m from Texas and qualified with a 207, so I think if you’re from the southwest, you’re pretty good with a 203.

@MangoLover11223 @fluffnut9 The NHRP cutoffs are not based on the three-digit Selection Index. Instead, they are based on the four-digit PSAT score itself (class of 2019 is the second year they are doing it this way).