2018 Diversity Fly-In List

For those unfamiliar with diversity fly-ins, some colleges will host special visit events for underrepresented students at their colleges which are called “diversity fly-ins”. Some colleges will pay for travel, some for just the visit and some just hold the event but do not pay for anything. Many diversity fly-ins require an application and for some programs, the selection may be competitive. Some will host the diversity fly-in during junior year and some during the fall or summer of senior year.

It has been my experience with my own children as well as the children I have helped with college admission process, that diversity fly-ins are very worthwhile to attend. Not every college holds a diversity fly-in. Do not hesitate to ask a college if they host diversity fly-ins if you do not see them on the list. My oldest child asked about diversity fly-ins at Ohio State and discovered that Ohio State does do them but the information was not included on any list we saw. Ohio State ended up paying for a plane ticket and hotel for my son to visit the school in the fall of his senior year.

College Greenlight has started to put together a list for the 2018 Diversity Fly-Ins. The link to it is here: http://blog.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/blog/2018-fly-in-programs/

Please be sure to review it and take advantage of it. Also the organization “I’m Fiirst” also publishes diversity fly-ins in their newsletter so be sure to sign up for it. The organization “Get Me to College” is also updating their diversity fly-in list. It can be found at this link: https://getmetocollege.org/what-colleges-look-for/2018-fall-diversity-visit-programs

Be sure to take advantage of these opportunities since every little bit helps. Good luck!

@ anybody reading this:

I am starting a group chat for students, like myself, who applied to a bunch of fly-ins and are waiting to hear back! Please PM me if you applied to at least 2-3 (more likely 8-9) and want to join :slight_smile: