2019 UC Freshman Admit Rates Updated

Below are the New 2019 Freshman admit rates based on UC Capped Weighted HS GPA and not major specific. I have also noted the % changes from the previous years data.

New 2019 UC Freshman admit rates:

2019 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.00-3.39 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 1% (0% change)
UCLA: 1% (0% change)
UCSD: 1% (0% change)
UCSB: 1% (0% change)
UCI: 1% (0% change)
UCD: 2% (-1% change)
UCSC: 13% (+1% change)
UCR: 18% (+3% change)
UCM: 53% (+8% change)

2019 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 2% (+1% change)
UCLA: 1% (-1% change)
UCSD: 9% (+2% change)
UCSB: 6% (-2% change)
UCI: 7% (0% change)
UCD: 9% (-4% change)
UCSC: 40% (+7% change)
UCR: 53% (+4% change)
UCM: 80% (-2% change)

2019 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 12% (+2% change)
UCLA: 7% (-2% change)
UCSD: 33% (-1% change)
UCSB: 32% (-6% change)
UCD: 47% (+6% change)
UCI: 35% (-3% change)
UCSC: 72% (+2% change)
UCR: 87% (+3% change)
UCM: 96% (+1% change)

2019 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 38% (+1% change)
UCLA: 35% (-6% change)
UCSD: 71% (+1% change)
UCSB: 73% (-7% change)
UCD: 87% (-2%change)
UCI: 55% (-20% change)****
UCSC: 85% (-7% change)
UCR: 97% (+1% change)
UCM: 98% (0% change)

Interesting and thanks for sharing. What happened to UCI’s 4.2 or above admit rate?

@lkg4answers: Huge drop according to the UCOP data, not sure the exact reason but UCI had a large increase in applicants last year.

Link below: https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/infocenter/freshman-admissions-summary

HI just curious ,apologies if I missed this…

  1. On this report is this 10-11, GPA weighted or unweighted…or is the GPA on this all 4 years weighted unweighted…or UC capped?

  2. Also, curious on common data set what type of GPA is used ? Is it the same for each school? weighted unweighted…capped 10-11 o4 9-12

so many choices, just curious what these data points actually cover. thanks!!!


  1. The GPA listed on the UCOP link is the capped weighted UC GPA.

  2. I did not check each campuses common dataset but it usually states the GPA scale of 4.0 for section C11 so unweighted UC GPA.

For section C12, depending upon campus, it is either the UW UC GPA or Capped Weighted UC GPA.

I prefer the UCOP data or the GPA ranges posted on the UC website for the campus Freshman profile.

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