Oberlin 2/22 for us as well :smile:

College Confidential party at Oberlin in February!

2427Mom (daughter) Piano Performance

arkham (son) BM Jazz Voice
11/25 Berklee - BM Performance: Voice
Video Audition Univ of North Texas
Video Audition Loyola New Orleans
Audio Audition William Patterson

bonfigleo (son) BM Horn Performance
2/3 Rice/Shepherd

ClassCompMom (son) BM Composition
1/26 BoCo Interview

Doransa (son) BM Composition
2/22 Oberlin
2/28 Eastman
3/9 University of Missouri

flutyMcFluteface (daughter) BM Jazz Sax and/or Flute Performance
1/11 Berklee Jazz Sax
1/19 BoCo Flute
2/3 Ithaca Jazz Sax and Flute
3/1 Mannes Flute

IronCitEE (daughter) BM Violin Performance
TBA IU/Jacobs

jazz2020mom (son) BM Jazz Studies Trombone
2/1 UNT
2/8 Rutgers
2/28 Eastman

JoHollywood (son) MM VP Opera Tenor
TBA IU/Jacobs
1/25 BoCo

khill87 (daughter) BM vocal performance Soprano
12/7 University of Miami
2/15 Oberlin

MezzoDadbynight (daughter) BM VP Mezzo
11/9 Pepperdine EA
12/6 Baylor Univ EA
12/7 Southern Methodist University/Meadows EA
2/22 Oberlin
TBA DePauw EA (prescreen waived)
TBA Rice/Shepherd

MezzoMama (daughter) BM Classical Performance Mezzo-Soprano
2/1 UC Santa Barbara
2/29 Chapman University

mom2clarinetobsessedkid BM Clarinet Performance
Shenandoah Conservatory
University of Michigan SMTD

12/7 University of Miami M.A.D.E. Program

Murray93 (daughter) Clarinet Performance
11/10 University of Puget Sound
1/24 Butler University

Musicmom2two (daughter) BM Music Ed Soprano
11/21 Berklee - BM Music Ed and Songwriting
12/7 Frost - BM Music Ed with Songwriting minor
1/11 Belmont - BM Music Ed (or commercial music)
1/24 UMich SMTD
2/8 FSU - BM Music Ed and commercial music
2/22 Rutgers/Mason Gross

MusicMomSC (son) for Contemporary Strings/ Production/Technology
12/7 University of Miami
1/18 Clemson
2/8 Univ Al @ Huntsville

OrangeJacket (daughter) Mezzo Soprano
11/16 Oklahoma City University for double major MT and VP
12/07 Baylor University for VP
1/18 UT Austin VP
2/29 UNT—Music Ed

Racingfan53 Classical Mezzo-Soprano
11/11 Azusa Pacific University BA Music
1/25 FSU BM Music Ed
2/29 UNT BM Music Ed
Video Audition - University of Kansas

Raincat (son) BM Jazz Piano
12/7 Berklee

rudydog66 (daughter) VP Soprano
1/17 NYU/Steinhardt
1/25 UT Austin
1/26 UF
2/1 UC Santa Barbara
2/7 U Michigan SMTD

runninglate (daughter) BM VP Mezzo Soprano
2/1 UT Austin
2/22 Oberlin
TBA Indiana/Jacobs
Video Audition SFCM
Video Audition Peabody
Video Audition Loyola

songbirdmama (daughter) MM Vocal Performance/Opera Soprano
TBA IU/Jacobs
TBA Mannes

studentcomposer1 BM Composition
TBA Rice/Shepherd

SweetStrings (daughter) BM Violin Performance
1/16 University of Florida
2/1 Oberlin
2/21 Lynn Conservatory
2/22 Florida State University

tableforsix (son) BM Cello Performance
University of Michigan SMTD

yfgntf123 BM Violin performance
TBA Indiana University/Jacobs
2/14 Eastman

do colleges normally send acceptances for a specific instrument all on the same day?

what is the acceptance rate if one is invited to the live audition? do schools accept 90% of the invited live audition kids?

@2427Mom this varies greatly from school to school, and within schools, from studio to studio. Example: IU may receive applications from 100 violinists, audition 50 and accept 30 of them (assuming 10 or 15 will go elsewhere) for 15 spots. Overall, I would say 90 percent is a high number.

Here’s something a parent wrote a couple of years ago. It’s a bit of an extreme example because the studio only took one player that year, but you’ll get the idea. (By comparison, my son’s studio took 5 jazz saxophones last year, which means 10-15 got offers out of about 30 who live auditioned.)

The other important point is that acceptances may not mean very much without money! Two of the schools that admitted my son offered zilch, zip, nada. Not sure how much they overadmitted but I am guessing quite a lot. Eastman virtually always gives excellent scholarships so they don’t overadmit as much.


“Oh, I remember this from last year… you can drive yourself insane trying to calculate the odds. I know. (I’m an engineer… I couldn’t help it.) For most of the schools my son applied to, we knew going in that there was only going to be 2-3 spots in the freshman class for his instrument. It was a daunting thought. What I didn’t know was the “yield” game. Schools generally have a good idea what the percentage yield is going to be and over-accept accordingly. They also use merit scholarship offers to hedge their bets.

In @indeestudios example about Eastman, pretty sure they actually only accepted one bass and made additional offers only after they were turned down (my son is friends with the girl they accepted, but she went elsewhere.)

Once the auditions get underway, I think you will feel less anxious about the numbers. Having been invited to auditions is affirmation that the schools believe your child has the potential to succeed at the collegiate level. Just go with it and be supportive so that your child can relax and perform with confidence. Keep in mind that a rejection can be due to a lot of factors and the reality is that where your child ends up going to school may have a LOT to do with money.

For what it’s worth, my son applied to six schools, auditioned in person at all of them. He was accepted at five; made it to the call-backs at Juilliard but didn’t get in.”

Thanks for your reply! Some instruments can be easy to get into call-backs from Juilliard, but not piano. My D is a MM piano, this is the most competitive instrument of all

Congratulations! @Doransa @SweetStrings @runninglate @MezzoDadbynight @khill87
D also got past! Whoowoo!!!
2/1 Oberlin Flute
2/21 Oberlin Jazz Sax

@2427Mom This is just a gut feel, so please feel free to weigh in if you have a different take. It is based on my understanding of the voice world: The acceptance rate at the MM level is not nearly as high as for a BM. My D has peers who applied to 6 grad schools, auditioned at all, and ended up with 1 or 2 acceptances. Some had none! These were talented kids, auditioning at top schools, who were accepted at all/most of their undergrad schools. At the MM level, the intensity of commitment is higher so the talent pool is more competitive. Contrary to BM admissions, schools are less likely to loose students to attrition once they see how challenging being a music major is, so the department doesn’t need to pad the roster for the kids who drop out, transfer majors, etc… (Consequently many fewer MM admits than BM). For MM voice, they are essentially casting their next two years of operas, and they know what they will likely program, so even a talented student might be denied if their voice type doesn’t match the direction the program is going in the near term.

Can I request that people try to ask questions in separate threads? It makes it much easier to browse titles. One might not be attracted to a 2020 prescreen thread, but very much interested in other topics which are being addressed herein.

Got an Acceptd message from IU Jacobs this morning - no confirmed date and time but I passed the prescreening!

In the past, the “journey” thread has been used for conversations/questions about yield, audition experiences etc. It is a catch all thread…it can make for exciting reading too.

The reason to NOT use this thread is that in the next year people can easily check the pre-screen thread and acceptance thread for very specific information on dates…and not need to crawl though all the conversations. I think it’s OK to do some sharing around pre-screens here (not allowed in the past); however if people could move to the “journey” thread to share ANY comments/questions/nerves/funny antidotes etc that would be great!!

Update on MM VP Opera (son/23) Audition invitation came in from UBC (University of British Columbia) for live audition on 1/11 in Vancouver BC.

Update!!! S has audition at CIM! 2/9 BM Composition

Just got an invite for live audition at UMich for 1/31! :slight_smile: Been a good day for results!

Just received news of passing prescreening for MSM; can schedule an audition on the 20th the status report said. :slight_smile:

D passed MSM! Audition on February 28.

Passed CIM. audition on 3/1.

You are all unstoppable! Any errors or omissions, please speak up.

2427Mom (daughter) Piano Performance

arkham (son) BM Jazz Voice
11/25 Berklee - BM Performance: Voice
Video Audition Univ of North Texas
Video Audition Loyola New Orleans
Audio Audition William Patterson

bonfigleo (son) BM Horn Performance
2/3 Rice/Shepherd

ClassCompMom (son) BM Composition
1/26 BoCo Interview
2/9 CIM

Doransa (son) BM Composition
1/25 Univ of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (CCM)
TBA IU/Jacobs
2/2 CIM
2/22 Oberlin
2/28 Eastman
3/9 University of Missouri

flutyMcFluteface (daughter) BM Jazz Sax and/or Flute Performance
1/11 Berklee Jazz Sax
1/19 BoCo Flute
2/1 Oberlin Flute
2/3 Ithaca Jazz Sax and Flute
2/21 Oberlin Jazz Sax
3/1 Mannes Flute

IronCitEE (daughter) BM Violin Performance
TBA IU/Jacobs

jazz2020mom (son) BM Jazz Studies Trombone
2/1 UNT
2/8 Rutgers
2/28 Eastman

JoHollywood (son) MM VP Opera Tenor
1/11 Univ of British Columbia
TBA IU/Jacobs
1/25 BoCo

khill87 (daughter) BM vocal performance Soprano
12/7 University of Miami
2/15 Oberlin

MezzoDadbynight (daughter) BM VP Mezzo
11/9 Pepperdine EA
12/6 Baylor Univ EA
12/7 Southern Methodist University/Meadows EA
2/22 Oberlin
TBA DePauw EA (prescreen waived)
TBA Rice/Shepherd

MezzoMama (daughter) BM Classical Performance Mezzo-Soprano
2/1 UC Santa Barbara
2/29 Chapman University

mom2clarinetobsessedkid BM Clarinet Performance
Shenandoah Conservatory
University of Michigan SMTD

12/7 University of Miami M.A.D.E. Program

Murray93 (daughter) Clarinet Performance
11/10 University of Puget Sound
1/24 Butler University

Musicmom2two (daughter) BM Music Ed Soprano
11/21 Berklee - BM Music Ed and Songwriting
12/7 Frost - BM Music Ed with Songwriting minor
1/11 Belmont - BM Music Ed (or commercial music)
1/24 UMich SMTD
2/8 FSU - BM Music Ed and commercial music
2/22 Rutgers/Mason Gross

MusicMomSC (son) for Contemporary Strings/ Production/Technology
11/1 Video Audition ELON for MRPA - accepted 12/18!
12/7 University of Miami
1/18 Clemson
2/8 Univ Al @ Huntsville

OrangeJacket (daughter) Mezzo Soprano
11/16 Oklahoma City University for double major MT and VP
12/07 Baylor University for VP
1/18 UT Austin VP
2/29 UNT—Music Ed

Racingfan53 Classical Mezzo-Soprano
11/11 Azusa Pacific University BA Music
1/25 FSU BM Music Ed
2/29 UNT BM Music Ed
Video Audition - University of Kansas

Raincat (son) BM Jazz Piano
12/7 Berklee

rudydog66 (daughter) VP Soprano
1/17 NYU/Steinhardt
1/25 UT Austin
1/26 UF
2/1 UC Santa Barbara
2/7 U Michigan SMTD

runninglate (daughter) BM VP Mezzo Soprano
2/1 UT Austin
2/22 Oberlin
TBA Indiana/Jacobs
Video Audition SFCM
Video Audition Peabody
Video Audition Loyola

1/31 Univ of Michigan SMTD
TBA IU/Jacobs

songbirdmama (daughter) MM Vocal Performance/Opera Soprano
TBA IU/Jacobs
TBA Mannes

studentcomposer1 BM Composition
TBA Rice/Shepherd

SweetStrings (daughter) BM Violin Performance
1/16 University of Florida
2/1 Oberlin
2/21 Lynn Conservatory
2/22 Florida State University
2/28 Manhattan School of Music

tableforsix (son) BM Cello Performance
University of Michigan SMTD

yfgntf123 BM Violin performance
TBA Indiana University/Jacobs
2/14 Eastman
3/1 CIM

We heard from MSM on passing their prescreen! Waiting for confirmation on audition date.

3/6 IU/Jacobs confirmed