2021-2022 USC Transfer

Correct, it’s unweighted. I took solid classes but I don’t have any honor classes.

I agree I believe you are great candidate. I am retired vet myself and USC has over 1300 veterans in the population. It may not seem much but in comparison to other college around, it far exceeds. What major are you apply for.

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Thank you. At this point, we all are. It’s a lottery…

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International Business or Global Business, don’t remember exactly

Oh okay so I am taking you are going to Marshall upon acceptance?

Yes, I applied to Cornell and USC. Would love to go to one.

Thats awesome! USC is my only option. As I mentioned to the CCgang earlier in the forum, though USC has been a pipe dream school of mine when i was in high school (20+ years now lol), the major I applied to is very specific and is not offered at all colleges. I also do not have the opportunity to just move my family and myself to a new location for school. My fiance is established in his company and would not be fair for my daughter. So USC or bust for me… BUT I feel positive that I am a good fit for USC and they will see that.


Hey so quick question
I know some universities (or maybe even CCs as well) offered students a pass/no pass grading option for Spring 2020 so students could preserve a high GPA. I mistakenly did not opt for this, thus my GPA went down post Spring 2020. Will USC take into account the students with a high GPA and a pass/no pass transcript and attempt to equalize them with the students who had a high GPA until Spring 2020? Was showing my grades a better option than pass/no pass? Thanks!

you’ll def get in girl

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Just manifest it and you will be fine! Positive affirmations :heart: And that would be such a great example for your daughter!

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I believe your stats qualifies you for both. I hope you choose USC because being a veteran spouse you will also be apart of the VRC and I would see you around :slight_smile:

good luck for Cornell! I applied there too, have you been notified yet?


Hi there! I’m Marshall too, did u receive SGR?

I honestly have a very strong feeling you’re getting in. manifesting it for you <3

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No but the volleyball team reached out to me that they are very interested but unfortunately, for Ivy League schools you need to first get accepted academically.

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yes showing your grade is better. the reason CCs did not opt in for pass/no pass system is because a lot of universities might discard it and not count it towards your transferrable classes. since a “pass” grade could be a D for example when most schools only accept C’s or higher for the class to transfer. so you’re good!


quick question: for housing i’m obviously going to be late, would putting a roommate who already have submitted the housing app earlier when it came out also make my time of application go up as well? or it doesn’t matter and i’m just late regardless? my possible roommates got the early time stamp because they were 1st year students, about to be sophomore just like me.


hopefully you get in soon! are you in the Cornell forum? it’s pretty helpful. decisions come out every Tuesday

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You guys are SO AMAZING!!!
I can’t wait to see you all at orientation!!! :v:t4: :v:t4: :v:t4:


what was the answer to that email? we’re you allowed to still submit one? i want to submit my updated resume which i know isn’t the same but my counselor hasn’t responded once to me