2021-2022 USC Transfer

thanks brotha!

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Nothing from USC or Cornell for me. Hopefully I hear from Miami tomorrow, they recently told me that they reviewed my app and wanted to see my syllabus for Calculus. :eyes:

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I am and I even remember you from there!

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so Iā€™m applying as an industrial engineering student, I go to a cc outside of California, I currently have a 3.871 gpa. this is my second year at cc and Iā€™ve had a 4.0 up until last semester where I had 2 Bā€™s which pretty much tanked my gpa lol. do you guys think I have a chance? I know that coming from a cc outside of California can often rule out your chances a lot so Iā€™m not really sure. my essays were pretty good and I went to high school outside of the US, I moved here for college. I already have acceptances at a couple state schools and Virginia Tech but they donā€™t compare to USC lol

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I agree with this, (in speculation) if i were a counselor, I would prefer to see a lower grade and have that student explain versus a student who opted for a P/NP. This shows transparency and were willing to give your class a try versus accepting to pass on the minimum. This is no offense to those who has P/NP because its all they were offering.


yeah exactly! plus ngl not being offered a p/np system made me work harder for my classes throughout all the semester lol so I guess it came in handy


Iā€™ve heard that admissions counselors almost assume that a P means a C so I think having a B on the transcript would be better or even the C for transparency


B minus :confused:

What about W? If itā€™s not related to major

Wā€™s are fine as long as you donā€™t have more than 2, if you also retook the class at some point then it doesnā€™t rlly matter

still better than a C :wink: i think you will be just fine Tim! Especially since its only one class. Life happens especially during this timeā€¦ we ALL have a common disadvantageā€¦ COVID ruined a lot so I feel they will be more reasonable


Oh okay just 1 though, thx!

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Hi guys. I see that some people have received they acceptances. For those people, what day have you completed their high school transcript & financial request?

Thank you Kendra!<3

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Sorry, I forgot to answer this earlierā€¦Are you talking about another transfer with an earlier time stamp (because the continuing student application period already closed). Normally in the lottery situation for continuing rising sophomores, globbing on to someone with an ealier time stamp does help when it comes time for selection.

oh okay, i wasnā€™t aware of that. i was maybe thinking that it would be beneficial to room with continuing students (students who were at usc freshman year, rising sophomore)to get the earlier time stamp. whatā€™s the lottery system by the way? also from my understanding, rising sophomores can change their preferences and roommates still even though the application for them closed? is it beneficial to just room with other transfers because timing wonā€™t matter because iā€™m already late?

also, i know my usc id from the fast portal, and i havenā€™t received that housing email (also not committed yet), can i just create an account without that email from housing?

I havenā€™t received an email about housing either. I tried making an account for housing through the housing portal but it didnā€™t work for me.

You guys should call USC housing, they are the nicest people ever. Ask them about email/login and any other questions you have. Seems odd you havenā€™t received that yet, so just want to see if it is working different for transfers this year with the whole covid thing. You can get an idea from them if you have a chance getting housing at all. They will tell you.

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UPDATE on housing: i have talked to 2 friends who recently got admitted as transfers and they said the housing email came right AFTER committing

Oh, thatā€™s different, probably limiting dealing with too many apps that wonā€™t be needed.