2021-2022 USC Transfer

scrolled through the thread from last year again and it appears 2 were accepted today so I would not really get excited for today unless you have always been lucky :joy: A lot got in tomorrow, Fri and Mon


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All around their infamous 5:15ish mark

Wait but then again the 19th was a Tuesday last year but this time its Wednesday :face_with_monocle: :thinking: so I guess some might be possible today idk

Lol its crazy but i feel its kinda early for USC. Cant believe i submitted my app 3 and a half months ago :joy::joy::joy:

Well, all we can say is, ā€œTime will reveal all.ā€ lol


if you all really think about itā€¦ by this time next year, we will for sure know about whether or not we got into USC for fall 2021. so worst case scenario, we just have to wait 365 days! :slight_smile:


Every admission officer ever!! Anytime between now and forever.


ive never had 4 likes before on a comment on College confidential so thank you guys for all the support I really appreciate it

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I understand completely. A few years back, I remember this guy who had a perfect 4.0, pretty cool ECā€™s, and we were pretty much assuming he was a sure thing because he aced all of his spring courses. He didnā€™t get in. I believe he was a Viterbi applicant. Then there was me. I spoke directly to my AO after getting a really strange SGR. He straight out told me he only wanted to see my grade in math. I had 5 Aā€™s and 1 B. That B was in math and I was rejected. SGR stuff can be so unpredictable, but you really just have to try and hope for the best.


I honestly have no problem with getting rejected Iā€™m really excited about my second choice (it probably is more supportive and offers more academic resources in my profession too) I just hate this uncertainty and that things have to go on for another 30-45 days


Damn i got a B+ in Calc :((

Mine was in stats. That same year, there was an applicant who got a C in business calc and he got into Marshall. He was 1000% positive he was going to get rejected and even wanted to withdraw his app. You can never really say. Itā€™s all up to the people reviewing your app I suppose, but tons of SGR peeps do ultimately get in.


Do you know if its a majority for the ones with solid gpas?

Iā€™m actually curious about the majors people applied to. I looked on last yearā€™s thread and couldnā€™t find a single Creative Writing major, which is what I applied for.


Some majors are ā€œmore popularā€ than othersā€¦ my major for example (Real Estate Development) on average has maybe two or three people on the forum each year. That may work to your advantage but no one knows for sure.


Iā€™d definitely say that those who keep up a solid GPA are more likely to get in after an SGR, but like I said itā€™s just so random at other times. The 4.0 Viterbi applicant. I had a 4.0 before it dropped to a 3.9 post-SGR. Then the Marshall dude who got a C and got in. If you keep up the GPA, your chances are as good as they can be.

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I have a 3.88 GPA after the spring semester Iā€™ve finished 12 semester hours during spring with all Aā€™s. I completed two degrees already and have an upward trend in GPA. However, I still received an SGR so really I believe USC is looking into applications holistically, trying to consider application information and current grades.

Btw usc just sent me an email for the sgr lol

Any other new SGRs today? @asospos09 I know you received one today for SCA.

anyone know if usc does waitlists for us transfer students, is that a possibility?