2021-2022 USC Transfer

USC does not do a waitlist. The closest thing to a waitlist is getting accepted for Spring 2022

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i understand youā€™re upset that your daughter was rejected. just take it up with USC, not on the innocent hopeful people on this forum. especially as a parent, you should know better than to spread negativity to innocent people.


I agree! also i know people who made it as sophomore transfers to USC with no TTP. They were really determined and planned their classes out according to the articulation agreement

She did not.

That she is done reviewing and enjoying a pina colada under some palm tree! Itā€™ll come out any day now.


What is your second choice if I may ask?

I was talking to a friend and she said her AO mentioned that USC received less transfer applicants this year but not too sure about that since UCLA transfer applicants jumped


that sounds realistic

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Not everyone is aware of usc, and if they are usually they assume they cannot afford it because all the scandals


Do you know if they received less compared to last year?

hopefully this means they can accept us all, but i doubt they will do that so they can look competitive


the ucla application one jumped because automatically after ccc they most likely intend on going to a uc, and since the uc application is all connected to every uc everyone felt they had a higher chance at getting into ucla now that covid allowed uc to be more understanding. Not as many ccc transfers go out of their way to apply to other universities other than uc. Its usually the determined and those in love with usc like us that apply also a lot of out of states. Thats why usc accepts many out of states. compared to ucla


yes according to AO

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That makes sense I always wondered why USC has low cc admits compared to UCLA

Yeah to me UCLA and USC are both equally good but for different reasons. Initally I had only intended on applying to ucla, but as a stem major Id prefer usc because of the smaller class sizes. If I get into usc Ill immediately turn down my ucla offer lol. Plus the torjan community is so loving and supportive even after university. USC has so many benefits and perks that come with being one of their alumnus. And their quality of education and research facilities are better. UCLA is just as good but I feel like since it is a public school they lack empathy or care to see their students succeed whereas at usc they are more helpful. UCLA students are really competitive and vicious from what i heard lol.


The smaller class size/ease of getting classes was a major factor as to why I bailed on UCLA at the very last minute. During orientation, they were basically trying to dictate which classes I should take. My student orientation advisor pretty much said he wouldnā€™t allow me to register for any class that wasnā€™t on this paper list that they had handed to us nor would he allow me to register in a class with a waitlist. Earlier that day, other UCLA students even told us that nobody ever gets into a class once thereā€™s a waitlist. Iā€™m sure they might have been exaggerating or were in a bad mood, but eesh. Compare this to USCā€™s orientation where my advisor had no issues with me enrolling in CS courses in hopes of switching to computational linguistics (I had been admitted as a sociology major). UCLA is a great school, but I felt like it wasnā€™t right for my undergrad. Iā€™m in grad school now finishing up my MSc (hopefully this quarter is my last) and Iā€™d consider applying to UCLA for a PhD someday (assuming I want to stay in the world of academia). But yeah, it really was a night and day difference from the registration of classes alone. I know USC isnā€™t for everyone either, but I donā€™t regret my choice at all.


Yes, I am literally envisioning myself taking my commit photo next to Tommy Trojan in a week or so :woozy_face: . I really want to be able to say fight on all the time, I also love how stylish and up to date all of USCā€™s merch is. I also love how full of themselves trojans are itā€™s like they know they are all that and a bag of chips lmao anyway gn all! Iā€™m going to dream about our acceptances tomorrow :crossed_fingers:t5: :v:t5:


Another sunset at USC with no decisions, letā€™s hope a new day brings good news soon!


Was anyone else hoping to manifest a decision by jumping the gun and buying a USC sweater? :sweat_smile:

This has been the most nerve racking experience of my entire life.


hahah just do it! Iā€™ve been wearing my USC sweater nearly everyday and everywhere ever since I submitted my application