2021-2022 USC Transfer

mee, i have one ready for thursdays and fridayss haha

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Manifesting my acceptance as usual @CADREAMIN. I have ASKED and BELIEVED wholeheartedly that I deserve my seatā€¦ NOW its time to RECEIVE my letter :v:t4: :v:t4: :v:t4:


I got my shirt for Christmas back in Decemberā€¦ apparently my future in-laws were getting a head start on the celebration lol


California law requires UCs to receive at least 85 percent of transfers from cc. Thatā€™s why there are few transfers from other states or four-year colleges.

How I wish I was there.

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Hey, iā€™m from a quarter system UC transferring to USC as a freshman into fall 2021, so do I send in yet again my actual spring quarter grades when school is all said and done in a few weeks? Because when I received my SGR I sent an unofficial report of just my winter quarter w/ ongoing spring grades. As a result I should also expect results thus in mid summer? Thanks

Iā€™m right there with you! My mom purchased me a USC hat, sweater, and even face masks haha. Hopefully my goal of becoming a Trojan comes to fruition! :heart: :yellow_heart:


If you received an SGR then you need to send in a transcript again once your spring grades are finalized.

If you receive a SGR, you do not need to send an official transcript, and rather, they encourage you to send an unofficial final transcript, as that is a much more faster and efficient way in getting your final grades across. If you receive a SGR, and all your grades are finalized, you can either screenshot or download a pdf of an unofficial final transcript of your spring semester. You will eventually have to send an official final spring transcript, but you can do that once you even get accepted. Just upload a final unofficial transcript of your spring semester to your portal and youā€™re all good if you got a SGR.


hey everyone! I plan on transferring to usc next year with no TTP. Will that negatively affect me? Do TTPā€™s get a priority over other sophomore applicants?

im in the same boat. Ive really stoped caring and i also didnt take a prereq so idk why they havent just sent my rejection letter yet

Iā€™m going to have to intervene here and debunk some of the stuff ppl are saying. Iā€™ve seen some negative energy recently, but I want to say if you got an SGR (regardless for what rzn) - you are not on grounds for elimination. Rather, we should be happy that we havenā€™t been straight out rejected. Every year USC just rejects some applicants, and we should appreciate we are still being considered for admission. An SGR simply means admissions needs a bit more information before reaching a final decision, and acceptance through SGR is possible. Imo it makes sense to fight on until the final result shows itself, and to not accept defeat prematurely.

Furthermore, there is no evidence to prove non TTP applicants ā€œwill be rejectedā€ or are at a disadvantage for admissionsā€¦ a handful non TTPs have already been accepted and I expect many more to be accepted this week or next.

Note: Even if you do get rejected though, donā€™t worry as it doesnā€™t undermine your value as a person!


Hey guys yall think we could hear some decisions today?

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Iā€™m counting on it lol

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I think tmrw more than today but worse case scenario it drags on to next week.

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If dont see nothing today or tomorrow im just gonna stop checking till the 31st. ATP im tired of reading and checking my portal constantly like a maniac. I told myself if no movement today or tomorrow imma just chill lol.


But I have a strong feeling for today and tomorrow for some reason I can feel it in my gut some people will hear back.


The trend has been Thursdays though hasnā€™t it?

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I have all my potential merch in my usc gift shop cart, im just waiting for my admission to hit the purchase buttong :crazy_face: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


yes, thursdays, fridays and mondays are USCā€™s favorites.

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