2021-2022 USC Transfer

plus hella celebrities go/went to usc their almunis are out of this world. UCLA has jackie robinson which is livee to me but usc has more.

don’t forget Olivia jade :skull:

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lmaooooooo man they can keep the full house girl im talking will ferrell, saweetie, neil armstrong

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people who are actually famous for something

kevin porter jr too lol

The withdraw button did not go away…

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don’t fret. I think for sure there will at least be decisions tmrw and maybe later tonight.

And of course ucla is higher ranked its cheaper they dont just make their assesments off of academia. There is a whole ton of crap they use to deduce which school is “better”

ight y’all im coming back at around 6-8 pm


ucla is cheape, it is owned by the uc system meaning they get to share funds and collaborate USC is doing it ALL on their own

My daughter attended UCLA and now attend USC Keck school of Medicine. Keck actually prefers UCLA grads over its own students and admits an astounding number of UC students. That should tell you they hold UC students and the education they received in high regard. Fact is that where med school is concerned, UCLA grads have a leg up over USC. The big difference between UC and USC is that at a UC no-one will coddle you and hold your hand. My son got admitted to Berkely and UCLA this transfer cycle. He will be attending UCLA. His ranking was UCLA-Berkeley-USC-other UCs. Without a significant scholarship, there is no financial justification to chose USC over Cal or UCLA. If money is not objection then…by all means, splurge.


UCLA is cheap(e)? Please, show some gravitas and respect.

All three are great schools. Theirs no need to get into rankings and prestige.



It is not shaming, rather objective observations. I have a daughter at Keck. They are all worthy institutions. I also recognize bang for its buck when I see it.

omg really? My dream is to go to the Keck schoool of medicine and I thought that attending usc would increase my chances. my options at this point are UC Berkeley UCLA and still waiting on USC … is there a way i can figure out what the keck school of medicine prefers?

I did a internship at Keck and a lot of medical students that went there studied at UCR UCLA UCSD UCI CAL! Only one from USC!!

No it is not :slight_smile: However, I am at a point in my life where I know how long it takes to save up money, or repay a debt. Generally, unless you pursue a niche major, you should carefully consider wether to pay a tuition premium. If one needs more personal attention then, by all means, go private. That is always a valid reason.


My daughter started at Keck this year. The majority of admits in her group hail from UCLA. On her interview day, Dean Arias addressed the group of med school hopefuls. She specifically said: ‘for those of you coming from UC, we love you here at Keck!’. And they do!


if we are admitted to usc, when do we have to commit by?