2021-2022 USC Transfer

Is anyone deciding between UC Berkeley, UCLA, and USC (when decisions are out). If you are, I’d love to hear why you’re choosing one over the other :). I’m just curious and I also have like a limited about of time before I need to decide but I’m totally stuck :/.

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There’s no way they would ever admit to such a thing. They’re likely trained not to and have a list of generic responses to pick from when a student asks. Before the whole withdraw button thing, they always denied the previous hint/hack from many years ago, but that’s how I knew I got in before my portal updated/I got my acceptance in the mail.

@Pixiebloom I am sure its comparable to being in a household with different branches (at one point I was married to a marine, myself being air force) and my brothers were in the navy and army LOL my father was air force himself. Its all friendly competition and trash talk… I am here for it, at the end of the day we are all here pursuing higher learning to become better versions of ourselves. Also, I am glad you looked up the RED degree, its such a wonderful but very specific degree (only two schools in the nation offers it as an undergraduate degree) so like I said I really had no choice being USC or bust and I am OK with that! You definitely should have a passion and desire to be apart of real estate industry and impacting a community directly. Thank you for your vibes Pixie I am truly honor and grateful for kind people like yourself.

So did the withdraw button disappearing thing happened last year as well or are u guys just speculating?

I was stuck with this choice forever ago it seems. I ruled out Berkeley pretty fast because of the location (I didn’t really want to move so far away). I had only really tried because I got rejected from Berkeley (and every other school I applied to) the year before, so I wanted to cast a wider net. UCLA used to be my dream school when I was growing up, but it turned out that it wasn’t the best fit for me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great school and UCLA has one of the top PhD programs for linguistics in the country (which is why I’d still consider them for a PhD program someday), but I didn’t feel like I’d do well there after going to their orientation. It really comes down to a lot of factors. Your major, what kind of student you are, etc. I went into USC completely blind - I had never visited the campus. I had been to UCLA many years ago when I was but a troublesome high school dropout, but I never checked out USC. All three are fantastic choices (I just don’t know much about UCB since I ruled it out early), but I guess it really boils down to where you think you’d fit in best. The only really big pro that USC won me over with was that I had a lot more freedom when it came to class registration/major choice and I guess that’s just one of the perks of a private school. I feel like my eventual major path would have been next to impossible to achieve at a UC (especially UCLA). One of my favorite professors did her PhD at UCLA, so they put out some good people, haha. She was funny about it too. She would say “I did my PhD studies at a school on the other side of town”. Wherever you go, you’re going to get a great education :slightly_smiling_face:


Has anyone’s Withdraw section disappeared? Mine is still there. :frowning:

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mine is still there

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Mine is still there as well

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a lot of ours are still there :slight_smile: i think it’s a lot of speculation and random theories. Don’t stress about it !


So do we think there will be any decisions today? If so at what time?

it was reported in last years thread the withdraw option disappeared an hour or two before decisions. However, I have not officially heard anyone here directly that their withdraw link disappeared. It has been “a friend said…” and the one that mentioned “their friend in the discord community chat” retracted that comment and said his friend did not scroll all the way down to see it was still there…

Oh I see, thanks!

i also think we shouldn’t speculate that not getting the news until late means it will be bad news! I’m sure there are plenty of acceptances to go around on May 31st right?


Correct! People are accepted at all different times (and rejected I am sure [just not reporting it for reasons I can totally understand])

This isn’t to scare anyone of course, but all we see are acceptances being reported with maybe one or two rejections from past threads. We cannot assume that because we hear early or late that its either good or bad.


just wanted to wish everyone good luck in case results are released tomorrow! sending everyone good vibes :slight_smile:


wonder if there have been any rejections thus far…

But actually, could we just find out. Ugh. And I’m a lurker parent, so I’m not really legit, but I’d really like to know where life is going to take us all next! :wink:

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lurker parents are ALWAYS welcome. lol I am a parent and bet I am going to probably be the same way for my daughter in 7 years… UGHHHHHH 7 YEARS!!!

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hey, everyone here seems like such passionate and sharp students and i’m sure your kid is no exception! Whatever path we end up on is surely the right one… trusting the universe :slight_smile:

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I literally update my son on everything everyone is saying, every day. I’m like ‘check your portal for an SGR’ or back in march…'Hey, don’t stress, everyone else hasn’t had their transcripts uploaded yet. ha!

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