2021-2022 USC Transfer

I wish the best for everyone. I hope everyone remembers a rejection nor an acceptance defines you as a person, your intelligence or your worth. Every school looks for different things, everyone has a different admissions person and of course luck is always played in. I am a strong believer of everything happens for a reason, so trust whatever happens as I am sure any school would be lucky to have any of you.


Thank you so much for your answer!!! I think Iā€™m leaning towards UC Berkeley and USC at the moment. But I am pre-med and a psych major :(. I heard how competitive UC Berkeley is and the grade deflation :/. I think the only reason Iā€™m still wanting to go there is because itā€™s UC Berkeley!!! and because I want to move and grow on my own (since I live in near LA rn). Anyway, thank you so much <33

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so i just went through last yearā€˜s thread and i found something that iā€™d like to share

  1. withdraw button starting to disappear at 4:55pm on may 21
  2. first decision came out at 5:10pm on may 21
  3. various school released their decision on that day so we all have chance to hear something back if they are going to release the decision today

Oh I also wanted to share some positive things I heard from someone who attends USC. She told me professors truly do care about their students and their success and are always rooting for you. Due to small class sizes too it makes it easier for all this to happen and not just be another face in the class. She also said school spirit is out of this world


hey, thanks so much for sharing. i was a bit nervous cause my withdraw option is still there. havenā€™t been able to study for my super important chem final tmrw bc of this :confused:

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Okay so I am on the phone with the admissions office and the guy Iā€™m speaking to is saying that if I havenā€™t received an SGR yet then Iā€™m likely to get that as a decision by the 31st instead of an acceptance/rejection (note that it is still possible, but less likely). Then, decisions after that donā€™t come out until mid-July. So if youā€™re in a similar situation to me, here ya go. But also keep in mind, heā€™s just one person and USC is so unpredictable soā€¦

no problem and good luck on ur chem final tmrļ¼

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thanks haha!!

You have such great options! You canā€™t go wrong! My son is in the same position, but has made his choice. There are so many factors to consider. It also depends on what your plans are after undergrad. For example, if medical school is the ultimate goal, go with the school you feel will be most beneficial GPA wise. Do you possibly have a preference for semesters versus quarters. If you are pursuing a niche major, go with the school with the best program and support for that. Maybe tuition is a factor and you wish to limit debt. Lastly, congratulations on your amazing succes so far!

Wait what? Iā€™m a little confused. Not everyone will be asked for a SGR. So heā€™s saying if you havenā€™t been asked for one itā€™s less likely you will get your acceptance/rejection within the next few weeks? That doesnā€™t really make senseā€¦

I was told that Iā€™m likely to get a decision by the 31st if I havenā€™t recieved a SGR yet

That makes no sense

yeah thatā€™s basically what he said. I am also confused, and kinda anxious because Iā€™d rather know now.

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still no decisions anyone?

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Yeah donā€™t think about it too much. That doesnā€™t really make sense they donā€™t ask everyone for a SGR, typically they request it because maybe you have a major prep in progressā€¦low amount of unitsā€¦ things like that. That would legit take forever if they requested every applicants spring grades and had to review them lol. Donā€™t worry :slight_smile:


Parent here! :partying_face:
Iā€™m here because the peeps here are decidedly more fun than my son who is studying for a physics quiz. He is such a grouch right now :slight_smile: I am also now forbidden to say the words Spring Grade Requests.

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Maybe today is that AOā€™s first day of work so heā€™s still learning abt decision schedules lol

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hold out until at least 4:55 everyone, have patience we got this


which AO??

:wink: me too!