2021-2022 USC Transfer

The guy @nipol1 talked about

My AO hasnā€™t responded to a single email over the past 5 months and Iā€™m concerned. Iā€™ve sent like 6 LMAO

But just to clarify guys he didnā€™t say everyone. He said anyone who hasnā€™t gotten an SGR is more likely to get an SGR than a decison (not everyone that hasnā€™t gotten an SGR yet will get it later) but that still seems kinda weird so hopefully thatā€™s not true. Hopefully that made sense.

haha sometimes i feel like the guys on the phone donā€™t know either. They didnā€™t know what a winter grade request meant when i askedā€¦




I lost hope for today I think I need to take a mental break from all this hahah on the bright side we will know our fate by next week


USC please!!! Release it this week!

USC got me feeling like :clown_face:

does the portal go down for usc like the other schools or nah

hey do you guys think people on the quarter system are more susceptible to getting SGRs later?? my quarter dont end until like june 15

Well rip

was there a big wave the 20th or 21st last year

Abt 10min left

one is on may 21 and one is on may 22

10 minutes until what

Possible decisions

Do you remember the whole Berkeley-push-the-withdraw-button saga? Good times! :slight_smile:

OH jeez I remember that it was so anxiety inducing :joy:

Here I am, laying in bed at 10 PM, snoring away, when my kid barges in and starts spouting some cuckoo theory about withdraw buttons. I can not believe that that thing turned out to be real :slight_smile: