2021-2022 USC Transfer

No update for me

same :frowning:

Sadly it was true for me :sob:. I hope USC doest have a glitch for us to freak out about.

anyone get a decision

my friend told me that he got an email on may 21st at 526pm last year

ugh nothing LOL = /

yeah I don’t have high hopes for today but I hope we get some people who hear back tomorrow.


usc come through already

do y’all think tmw is the day then

or next week

Tomorrow better be the day because next week is way too close to the 31st and people still need some time to decide whether they’ll commit or not.

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Hey everyone! would anyone be able to share advice with me? I asked this question on another forum as well. I got into both USC and UCLA and am having a hard time choosing where to go. My dream school is USC, however I won’t be receiving any financial aid. I also plan on going to dental school in a few years which is so expensive. I’m not sure what to do. In your opinion does USC or UCLA make more sense. I also live closer to SC so I could commute, however UCLA is just so cheap compared to it! Ahhhh I’m so stuck!!

always save money

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Both are amazing schools congrats! I would make a pros and cons list for both schools but for a general rule of thumb save money. UCLA is an amazing school + you save money. I don’t really know much about their programs but UCLA will be a great platform for you to go to dental school.

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When did you get into USC

looks like April 23 according to his post history

i believe s/he was one of the 23Apr wave acceptances on TTP.

If the admissions office looks up your reference number, can they see if you’ve been admitted or rejected on there end?

I agree with @LACali. My daughter settled on UCLA in 2016 and ultimately did amazing in the med school admissions process (as did her friends). She attended UCLA over privates because of 1) the school 2) the amazing savings since she knew she would be having the additional cost of attending med school. She had no problems securing letters of recommendation and research, but you do have to put in the effort to find it. This being said, it is a quarter versus semester system. I assume GPA is as important for dental school as it is for med school. If you feel you will do significantly better at one school over the other, pick that one. If not, go with the savings, the financial security that comes with it, and don’t look back! Believe me, no dental school is going to thumb their nose at a UCLA grad. On the contrary! Congrats on your acceptance to UCLA and USC! Well done!

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As a transfer student if you have 2 years left that is a $160,000 sticker price. 3 years is $240,000. I don’t know if you have family that will help pay some but let’s say you take out loans? You will be paying off those loans for DECADES. The more you take out, the higher your monthly payment will be. And then you have to pay for dental school. And what if you want to have children, buy a house? All of this will be limited by student debt. If you ever declare bankruptcy the student debt still follows you.

I don’t mean to scare you but it’s just not worth it at the undergraduate level. I’m paying off graduate school debt 20 years later and still have many more years left.

UCLA is a fantastic school. Go for it!