2021-2022 USC Transfer

No emails or results for anyone?

Girl, two snaps for you bc getting in touch with my AO has been almost impossible!- save for the past two weeks

I’m sure if they already made a decision and it shows somewhere on their end… I am sure they wouldn’t tell you. Its not how it works. They will not even give anyone a date of a possible wave other than “NLT 31 May”… there is nothing you can do but just wait and breathe.

Comparing USC vs. UCLA mostly comes down to personal preference, but I’ll try to weigh in on this since I went to USC for undergrad and UCLA for grad school. For me, I really appreciated the private school vibe of USC. While both campuses are beautiful, USC’s classrooms/facilities were nicer and cleaner in my experience. USC generally has smaller class sizes too. I think USC is more mixed with both conservatives and liberals, whereas UCLA seems to be more liberal. Being a Trojan for life is awesome, and going to USC football games is a ton of fun. You can get a great college experience and degree from UCLA too though so it all comes down to how much you or your family want to spend if you don’t have aid. You might want to try writing a letter to the financial aid office explaining your circumstances and asking for more aid.

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so no decisions today?


yes it was April 23

thank you all so much for the advice!!! I really appreciate it.

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so because no decisions were released today… will they still be released tmrw??

everyday from now until 31May is a possibility for those who have yet received a response.

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I know people are coming here looking for answers and support, but please understand, while the support is plentiful, the answers are often speculation. We can only refer to previous years, our AOs, and the information provided by USC, however limited. Decisions may come out tomorrow, they may not, do not set false expectations based on group think.


chile is it bad that i still have my withdraw application button

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It means absolutely nothing.

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I still see mine. Tomorrow maybe be more likely for decisions.

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Tomorrow would be the 21st and historically May 21 is the day for many acceptances. I hope we find out tomorrow.


Ucla fs!

Goodnight everyone. Tomorrow is another day… and hopefully a good day for a lot of us, but we will see. We only have a week left so the wait will soon be over for most of us!!! Sleep well.


Good morning Everyone!


lol, today a new day. I’m optimistic the 21 is when they do a majority of their acceptances, but I’m not counting on it.


But don’t get it twisted I’m still stalking that portal 25/8. :sweat_smile:


It’s the day we knew was coming :crossed_fingers::sob: good luck everyone :metal::heart::rainbow:

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