2021-2022 USC Transfer

hopefully we get decisions today

It’s feeing like a good day at USC for some news!


Graduation was amazing - hard to imagine what it took to pull off two ceremonies a day for 7 days straight. So proud of the school for giving grads of 2020 and 2021 a real graduation ceremony. USC certainly knows how to throw a party! Hope you all get to experience a USC graduation. :grin: :v:


I am so glad USC is doing this. I am not sure my daughter will ever be able to attend her UCLA graduation :frowning: However, I am so looking forward to her White Coat ceremony at USC Keck, which they have promised WILL HAPPEN! YAY!


I saw a snippet of yesterday’s grads dancing
lol I am sure there is A LOT to celebrate and I hope several of us can celebrate later this evening :v:t4: :crossed_fingers:t4: :v:t4: :crossed_fingers:t4:


OMG thats exciting
 I know how much that white coat means to the medical community.

Congrats to your daughter for graduating UCLA and attending Keck! I aspire to be like her one day!!! White coat ceremony is one everyone looks forward too!

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Good morning fellas. I have one more decision today hopefully USC kicks in too :)) best of luck to everyone

Does the “Withdraw my application” always disappear right before decisions come out? Mine is still there.

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Hey guys
I’m really hoping decisions come out today, but I’m not gonna lie
I’m not really looking forward to it. I’m so scared I won’t get in and I don’t know what I would do if I don’t


I think we could all use a hug, I hope you get in. I think many people are in the same boat, and deserve to be admitted after waiting this long. Manifesting acceptances today :crossed_fingers:


There’s a lunar eclipse this coming Wednesday :eyes:

Decision waves will probably start today and eveen if you don’t here back im sure they will do a whole wweek of waves next week thats basically their last week lol.

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I keep looking back at my rejection from last year, and it’s really scaring me to think I won’t get in again this year. I don’t mean to be negative, but this is really nerve wracking


They can’t leave us in the dark for this long. People are starting to lose their patience. Hoping all goes well today if they decide to release any decisions

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I think decisions will start coming out en masse starting today, I think it’s more likely that they would wait until the very end of the week like some other universities than release on some odd day like Thursday. I really just want to see some movement so that I can be happy for those of you who get in (I don’t need to get my decision yet, but I need something to keep my mind off it).

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yup according to last years stats the 21 was where a bunch got their fate

We are all in the same boat
 none of us were guaranteed an acceptance. We are all feeling the reality sinking in that THIS IS IT
 THE MOMENT OF TRUTH. Since January, we have envisioned ourselves apart of the Trojan family with no thought otherwise but now
 we know either that vision becomes our reality later this fall or shattered
 No matter how the decisions play out for all of us, we are ALL amazing and wonderful people and NO SCHOOL can define who we are as individual people. The world will keep moving forward and we will keep moving along side it living our BEST life. I hope we all hear good news and if for some reason USC doesn’t work out, you will prosper in this world as the AMAZING person you guys are!!! Just keep moving forward.


Today is the day that we must FIGHT ON!


Let’s go! Here’s hoping for acceptances today!!

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