2021-2022 USC Transfer

Hi guys, I’m a current undergraduate at my community college. I’ve been thinking to apply for USC as transfer. I have completed more than 30 transferable units of my GE but there are like two courses on their articulation agreement with my school that I haven’t take. My question is, would be possible to apply with the units I already have, lacking those two courses and take them at USC or is it really mandatory to take them before transferring?


Hey everyone! I’m applying as a junior transfer to USC Marshall this February. I have two questions about high school and college transcripts:

  1. When should I ask my high school counselor to send in my high school transcript to USC? How long does it usually take for it to be sent?
  2. How can I request my current university to send in my college transcript? I think there's something on Common App where I can order the transcript, but I'm not sure how to use it

do you guys think more people are going to apply to transfer this year or less? Also do you guys think that acceptance is going to be higher lower or the same this year?


They really won’t look at you negatively for that at all. While wanting to get more money out of a student sounds logical, they really are looking for students that fit. Whether you come in as a beginning sophomore, mid way soph, or junior will not make a difference, doing the requirements does and you have taken care of that. Showing that you excel in classes for your major will be a plus. Good luck!

@CADREAMIN Hi, I hope everything is g with you! I have a couple of questions. Is it alright if I take my last GE and my language requirement in Spring or should I try and do it in the winter? Just curious because it won’t show on my transcript when I apply and they would have to grade request me I think?

And do you know if Annenberg looks for more extracurricular activities than other major houses?

Hey guys, I’m planning on transferring to USC for next fall. I was wondering how important is the math requirement for Marshall? I’m a current student at SMC, and I am doing well in all my classes and “okay” calculus, and I will be taking calculus ii in the spring. Please let me know!

Hi Everyone! I currently attend SMC as a prospective Art student and am applying to Roski School of Art and Design for Fall 2021 as an incoming junior. My freshman year at cc was rough (a few W’s, but I will explain why in my application), but now I have a 3.7 GPA with an upward trend and was accepted into honors society. Will that be an entire dealbreaker for admission? Or does it depend on my essays, portfolio, GPA, and ECs? Would love to hear insights from a junior or senior member, thanks!

Also, is the Art school competitive for second year transfer students?

Do you know that Marshall only requires Calc I? Here’s some other info I posted in another thread from the USC website (they have very detailed info online) re Marshall transfer:

Transferring these courses assists with admission consideration and degree progress. Transfer candidates must complete the following equivalent courses for admissions consideration:

WRIT 150 (English Composition 2, also a University requirement)
MATH 118 or MATH 125 (Calculus)
The following suggested transferable courses are optional (not all courses taken elsewhere will transfer to USC). Completion will advance University matriculation.

Accounting 1 and Accounting 2 (Transferable accounting sequence will replace one business core accounting class)
(BUAD 280 and 281 are replaced with BUAD 305)
General Education Categories
With the recommended transfer preparation, admitted students will complete these remaining courses at USC:

ECON 351 and ECON 352
WRIT 340
(GE) Requirements
Business Core classes and three, upper-division, Marshall electives
Please be aware that all business core and elective courses must be taken in residence. Business courses taken at other institutions will not satisfy the USC Marshall matriculation requirement.

@CADREAMIN Do you have any insights on my situation?

@creativetrailblazer if you have a good explanation for the Ws, they are certainly not a deal breaker, they understand students grow and learn from things. I would avoid sounding whiny or making excuses for the Ws, and just own up to them and stress what you learned from the situation you were in at the time. The upward trend is great. Roski, like all of USC is incredibly competitive. Your portfolio will be sooo important along with essays that express what you will bring to USC, not just get out of it. Being it’s holitistic USC and on top of that, you are looking at an art major, there is so much more than GPA. Good luck!

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Thank you! I deeply appreciate your advice :slight_smile:

Hey guys I was wondering how bad 2 W’s would look on my transcript for trying to get into USC. So far I have a 4.0, great extracurriculars (Eagle Scout, 2 Clubs, Job experience, legacy), and almost all my GE’s and Prerequisite requirements for my major (Business Administration). Still though I’ve heard bad things for transfers regarding W’s. Also I’m going to be taking Business Calc 1 during the spring so I will probably get a SGR, and I’ve heard they want you to complete math requirements before fall (which sucks for me). But I have retaken the classes where I got my W’s and got an A in both of them. What do you guys think are my chances?

Hi, I’m applying as a Junior transfer and I was wondering if not being able to complete the writing requirement will put me at a significant disadvantage, as I’m currently unable to take the class at my current institution. What should I do about the writing requirement?

Hi everybody! Haven’t been on here since I was rejected from Film Production as a freshman last year, haha. Things definitely happen for a reason- I won a bunch of community scholarships and an iPad immediately after my rejections, and I’m saving so much money by working full-time and attending SMC. I’m hoping to transfer to USC as a sophomore for fall 2021!
Anybody else applying for Media Arts & Practice? I don’t know much about the program, but am assuming it’s highly competitive as it’s a part of SCA. Do you think the acceptance rates might be a little higher given that it’s a relatively unknown/unpopular program? I figure they probably receive less applications than screenwriting or production & CAMS do?

Hi Everyone! I’m currently a second year student at The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee at Waukesha. I’m taking all of my Gen Ed courses and I also completed some online NYU C++ courses for a certificate there. I have a 3.9 GPA at my CC and in high school I got rejected for CS Games due to my 2.5 GPA+32 ACT in High School. I’m interested in transferring to USC for CS Games or Vanilla CS in 2021-2022. Any advice? Thanks!

---- duplicating reply in other thread to have this info in this main transfer thread, sorry for the repitition ----

@Autonomous Potato congrats on upping your game during these last couple years and having the initiative to apply (and get!) all that great scholarship money! Well done. This in itself should provide some great substance for your application essays, as it sounds like you have matured and grown to achieve what you have. Let them know what you have learned about yourself and how you are now a better fit for USC than you were two years ago. Tell them what you will bring/give/offer to USC.

It is rare that programming classes transfer anyway, so don’t sweat that, they are not required of transfers and don’t often grant credit for course equivalents. But taking them can prepare you for some placement tests (challenge exams) if you want to try to test out of a particular lower lever course. Plus taking the classes gives you good experience, shows committment to the discipline, and again, info to provide in your application (why you enoy it, find challenging, what you want to do with it, etc.) Good grades in math and science (they love physics, but others fine too) are critical, which you must have given your gpa.

The hs gpa is old news, they are way more interested in who you are now, so write your best essays and good luck!

Hi, should I bother finishing my application if my GPA is currently sitting at 3.2? I had a lot of pretty awful things happen to me this semester and this year in general and I’m hoping I still have a chance or if I should give up on the USC dream

Hey guys im planning on applying to usc as a transfer to marshall school of business as a sophomore transfer applicant. Just finished my first semester of college at san jose state university and ended with a 3.94 gpa and will have 32 units by the end of the year. Do you guys think I have a chance to get in haha? Its my dream school! :sob: