2021-2022 USC Transfer

In my opinion, the light is dimming for today but we saw April 23rd decisions come after 8pm. So really know one knows anything anymore.


I just want to know already :sob::sob::sob:


really hoping but the more time passes the more i think it’s really gonna come down to next week :frowning: (i rly rly hope im wrong tho)

honestly not knowing somehow feels worse right now gah

don’t some people have to wait until like mid-July?

If you have an SGR then yeah but it’s not always the case

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if they had a sgr^

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It’s almost 6 aaahhhhhh

i’m ready to write an appeal if i get rejected :sob: :raised_hand:

So am I :flushed:

Hopefully we see some movement for some ppl at least

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I know this has been said many times but I just wanna know


lets scream into the void together


that’s what im saying, idec if it’s me at this point

That visual! :slight_smile:

screams into void

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cmon USC my homework is being neglected rn


even after the utter embarrassment they received last time they spewed negativity on here, they are BACK for more! You have got to LOVE ignorance!! :smiley:

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Most appeals get rejected unfortunately. Your appeal will only be accepted if you have new information now on your current application that changes the outcome of the decision.