2021-2022 USC Transfer

anyone think decisions still have a chance of coming out today at around 8 pm like the last little wave did

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Many other privates have been releasing their decisions around 9PM this year so I wouldn’t really stress until then. My rejection last year was May 22 (idk what time unfortunately).

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I’m still holding on to hope! I know most people are not but there’s always a chance right?


just remember to hope for the best but expect the worst
 will save you from a lot of unnecessary heartache lol



I agree. My rejection last year made me realize that nothing is a sure bet, even if you have a 4.0 GPA, recommendation letters, and extracurriculars. It’s chance and it’s best to have backup schools, or a backup plan.


same here
 got rejected after sending in a 4.0 in response to their SGR last year lol. was not fun


I love USC for their spirit and curriculum, but they prioritize legacy and other assets, which I don’t think is fair. I know of someone who got in because their dad donated like a million dollars to the school.

Hi, would you happen to have a date in mind for decisions next week?

why is it unfair? At the end of the day, USC is a private school that needs money to compete with other schools right? They need money for facilities, research, financial aid, etc


I know tons of people from Beverly Hills/Bel Air who go there

Yeah . it’s a private school. I don’t think people realize that “trojan family” means just that. If they didn’t have a priority for legacy, I feel in a way they lose a bit of that “family” feel.

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ACCEPTED!!! Marshall! Update at 10:05pm


Did you transfer from Umich? If so, what made you want to transfer?

I was in Ross and I hated the program. The school this year was super boring so I did not miss out on much so I applied usc, nyu, yale, columbia, and harvard.

Congrats! What’s your time zone?

im actually deciding between umich and sc, do you mind giving me a little insight on the campus life, program(premed), etc
? Thank you!!

Michigan is a great school dont get me wrong. I live in Michigan so I did not have the best perception of it. Everyone from my highschool went there.

did you get into any ivies?

I got into Yale and Columbia still waiting on Harvard