2021-2022 USC Transfer

Do you mind sharing your ECs???

So no one in California has heard anything today? I am barely seeing this thread today lol, so are they releasing admission decisions every friday? Please help me catch up

not to be this person however, we all have been stressed on the forum and discord community. Can you possibly screenshot what the acceptance letter looks like (of course blacking out any private info) Just so we can have some excitement for everyone that SOMEONE heard good news today.


please show your acceptance page? screenshot? and do you mean 10:05 est?


bro if they start rollin decisions out at 1 amā€¦ usc really givin me angina rn

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They said they got the update at 10:05pm which would mean theyā€™re in EST I thinkā€¦

yeah im EST too right now so I dont feel like staying up until 1 am for a usc decision LOL

why would you stay up to 1am? Theyā€™ve never released decisions past 9pm PST

Iā€™m going to wait tonight and hopefully Dornsife releases some acceptances.

@uofm2024 Just to clarifyā€¦

In October of 2020, you posted you were rejected from UM as a transfer applicant.

Prior to that you had been asking about choosing another course of study after being rejected from NYU Stern.

Yale, Columbia and Harvard - that would be an unbelievable triple to hit. Truly, unbelievable.

This is a very supportive forum and there is plenty of stress for students waiting for news who would be more than happy to provide reliable info about USC and the transfer process.


I think he may be trolling unfortunately lol

EDIT: Please prove me wrong @uofm2024, I need someone to be excited for

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Nothin to see here folks, no results out at this point in time for today.


Maybe if we stick around till 8:00 :grimacing:

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If thatā€™s the case, this kinda just sucks. The fact that they only had one wave of acceptances (and that was primarily for TTPā€™ers), and now theyā€™re going to plan to release a buttload of decisions legit right before June 1stā€¦ Idk what to think at this point anymoreā€¦ Iā€™m like so drained at this pointā€¦

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has anyone committed to another school while waiting for a decision? iā€™m getting very nervous as june 1 is getting closer and closer :grimacing:

Iā€™m going to wait but when it hits 9 PM, Iā€™m done.

Wait so they only do waves every Friday? No decisions throughout the week?

I havenā€™t. And I agree, itā€™s getting really close. We donā€™t even have time to think at this point if June 1st is commitment dayā€¦ My brain and soul hurts.

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I had my SIR deposit waived, I committed to UCI in case USC rejects me :slight_smile: