2021-2022 USC Transfer

Thank you so much for your positivity! It honestly means a lot! You are right if it doesn’t pertain to major we should not overthink the situation. I wish you the best and I cannot wait for all of us to become Trojans✌️


Yes my stepchild got in almost a month ago with a W (and did not retake the class). No SGR requested, not TTP, not legacy, coming from Cali CC. So I’d try not to worry so much!


Do we have any hint from USC that decisions start to come out tomorrow

Thank you for sharing! It’s great to hear that there is still hope! Congratulations to your stepson!!! Thank you for all in the chat for being so supportive and positive!


I think it would also depend when you got the W. I had to get 2 W’s during this past spring semester and since I haven’t been asked for an SGR, USC won’t know abt them (yet i guess)

hi! i read the other persons reply and wanted to add that i also have 4 w’s! i got a job opportunity (related to my major) that didn’t allow me to focus on school. I took the semester off, got a 4.0 the following semester, and have since kept up my grades. At first, I was really worried that it would negatively affect my decision but i’m not too scared about it anymore. I’m not sure if this is of any aid or makes you feel more comfortable about your W but if you feel like your application is strong otherwise, I wouldn’t worry too much. :blush:


My daughter has 2 Ws on her transcript plus her whole freshman spring semester is WE (catastrophic withdrawl for medical reasons). The 2 Ws is one she dropped a class because it wasn’t required for her major (she also changed her mind about going to med school) and the other was a 2 week winter course (she got Covid 1 day into the class). She explained all of this on her application so we’re hoping it isn’t detrimental to her admission decision. I like to think it wasn’t since she got an SGR.


not that i know of lol, just livin on a prayer

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I feel like if they start later than tomorrow they arent really releaisng admission results in waves at this point its ttp and regular. Plus IDK i feel like it would be inconsiderate to wait till the last minute, I know things have been busy on their end but we still need time to know what we are doing too lol.

lets just hope for tomorrow, I am happy I dont have work tomorrow lol. Imma wear my usc t shirt the wholeeeee freakinnnn dayyyyyy :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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I’m praying they will release decisions tomorrow because we have waited way too long and releasing them on 27-28 would just be brutal.


just gonna watch this forum and my portal like a mfknnnn hawk :grin: :grin: :grin:


Im saying tf lol 3 days to figure out if we can afford it lol, before uc commit closes


Tomorrow just feels like a stellar day for decisions, it’s gonna be 85 degrees tomorrow nice and sunny. I am here for it. I can feel it some will hear back. and even if they don’t come out it’s not like we gotta wait weeks or something lol it still has to come out within the next 4 days so I’m not pressed lol.


I agree. It would be lovely to hear back tomorrow.

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Hey guys, does anyone know if dropping a summer class will affect our decisions?

No since we didn’t report summer classes. I’m taking 2 classes this summer

Got it, thanks! I ended up including my summer class when reporting my spring classes so that’s why I asked lol. I originally wanted to take the summer class because I thought it was a transferrable class that could keep me on track if I get into USC. However, after going through the syllabus and comparing it to a similar class at USC, I’m coming to realize that this class most likely won’t transfer over and I don’t want to waste time taking it lol

They advise you to put your enrollment deposit down at another school if the deadline is coming up

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thats so ugh though smh