2021-2022 USC Transfer

We need to hold on a bit longer everyone! Hold your heads up and know that we are in this with you!

Don’t let this wait or decisions destroy your mental health.

Keep your head and heart forever forward.


Has anyone else not been able to focus on school because of this frickin application :frowning:

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Good luck everyone!! Also those who are in their finals week next week you got this!!!


yeah it blows!

I’ve finished all of my schoolwork to the point where it’s the only thing I worry about!


For certain schools, they offer a two week extension for tuition deposit if you ask. I was able to do that for LMU.

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At this point, if you need financial aid to attend, you are most likely not going to have that info in time for a June 1st committment to another school. It usually takes anywhere from 3-7 business days for FA to kick out after acceptance, and that is assuming you have all the necessary info in as they often ask for more validating documents and the process can drag out. You may also not get the financial aid you expect to get, we see this happen over and over again since USC has it’s own formula’s being a CSS profile school - they have their own criteria used to evaluate need. It also assumes they actually get it out on a usual timetable which may be questionable given what we have seen with results all year.

You should be asking about an extension or plan on making the deposit at another school. You can hold out a few more days of course, but get some plans made as next Monday is a holiday, the day before the June 1 deadlines. Don’t be scrambling that day, find out what your options are this week.


I don’t know what has gotten everyone to this point but I am very proud of all of you. This group is filled with individuals who are laser-focused on growing during such trying times.

There are so many variables that have viciously fought against us this past year that you should be proud that you got to this point.

Be proud of yourself and your progress. I’m more than positive USC will see the power you carry with you!


Just a side note, you all are awesome.


This is the week folks. Hopefully there will be some movement today :smile:


God I hope this week we get something from USC! Good luck people, we got this.


Good luck everyone! No matter how this week turns out, just remember that you are all awesome!


we’re finally a day closer to hearing back from usc! I really do hope we all get some good news back sooner than later, we’ve worked so hard and waited forever, hopefully it’ll be worth it! you guys all sound like amazing candidates and usc would be really lucky to have you all! <3




Would the emails come around 5-9 pm? I know people got accepted last month around 8 pm.

Have some people been getting rejected this whole time cause this blog doesn’t have anyone saying they got rejected (which kinda makes sense cause who wants to post about getting rejected), but I saw on reddit that a transfer student already got rejected. So then is USC has been giving out rejections then this whole time?

can you send the reddit link?

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I don’t think they’ve been getting rejected this whole time. Apparently USC released some decisions on May 20. So many of us hadn’t heard back yet.

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Good luck guys we’re almost there!


good morning/afternoon everyone. Happy Monday. I wanted to take a step back the last couple of days to reflect on self-care and my mental health. This whole process has been taxing but I know it will be over soon. Good luck to everyone and you guys are awesome. I will be in and out but I need to focus on my last full week of school before I take my exams.