2021-2022 USC Transfer

They release rejections all at once toward end - we will see them this week.

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do you think we might be getting a wave of decisions today?

man I hope so lol


Same the wait is killing me :weary:


not even just that I just want to see some movement. I want to at least see some people getting in so I know things are moving along lol. I wonder if people have been getting accepted/rejected that are not in this chat and we over here thinking the AO’s are sleeping :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

cus there is only 300 of us in here lol and there are like 9k applicants usually lol

The AO office said they do not think decisions will be released today. But this week most likely

who said?

how do you know they said this, and wdym most likely :joy: they only have this week Monday is memorial day. I doubt they will do any decisions on moday when they are supposed to be with family.

I had to call them about a question regarding my application and just candidly asked. She said she doesn’t think it would be today but it’s possible this week.

I never said that lmao I said today we most likely will not hear anything. But yes this week

I mean this very respectfully, but you have posted on here multiple times regarding what the AO office has said regarding admissions. They can not give us an exact date and try to give the latest date possible so they do not get blamed for anything.


Yes I am aware. I won’t post on here then. I just thought I’d relay the information I was given. I openly asked her a question and she responded about not hearing anything today.

I feel like they just saying that so we can expect the latest date just to be safe.

lol I hope.

Could be! Hopefully! I think we will hear on Thursday or Friday though

dang then that means this year they did not really do waves lol they basically just did a batch in april and one in may.

I agree there protocol is “you will hear back by May 30th”. We have asked AO’s and admission phone call workers so many times and that’s all we hear. We should hear back either today/thurs/Friday. But definitely not on the 31st.

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:confused: dang I hope its today

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im saying lol.

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