2021-2022 USC Transfer

Right yeoooo they were supposed to do a wave last week like the year before and the one before that. I am just praying for something today to keep us optimistic.


I see feelings and frustration are heighten. AOs will not tell us anything different from “NLT 31May” which means anytime from now until then. However, I understand mentioning anything in regards to when decisions will come out or if we are going to hear anything today… the answer is NO ONE REALLY KNOWS. The less information they give the better it is for them to be fair for the 8-9k applicants…
Advice: at this point, we obviously know that any past patterns are COMPLETELY out the window so the decision will come whenever it comes. Obsessing on something completely out of your control is unhealthy and toxic. Enjoy your day, support one another and if you so happen to see the withdraw button disappear or you get the email update via email THEN we have something to discuss. We have talked about decisions and beat it down into the ground, there is nothing else to really say about it other then we are a week out from their deadline.


I have so many assignments to do, but can’t focus because of USC admissions. I need to know! The wait is literally killing me.

LMAOOOO its the beat it down to the ground for me

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I am exhausted guys from the same question… “Are we going to hear decisions today?” No one has the answers but Admissions who are not going to tell us anything other than 31 May. Its a vicious cycle and we are so close… let just focus on what we all got to do. Finish strong in our classes, sign up for the transfer information zoom (for the first time or again) and schedule for your academics department zoom session. If you got other commitments than you may need to consider planning on that this week and decide what works best for you.
@luckyduckcoin this was not a reply directly towards you… its just habit to use the reply button on the last reply lol


I agree with @KendraVixLi . I work at USC and while not in admissions, I work closely with a decent amount of people who support admissions. The stakes and stress are very high leading into freshman admission decisions, graduation and finals, and lastly, transfers. I am clueless about decisions dates and don’t ask anyone for favors to know, even though I am crazy eager to know too and hyper aware how focused everyone is on reopening the campus for the fall

Are we sure about classes resuming in person in the fall or is it still in the air??

USC announced that classes will resume on campus this fall.


we better hear back today or ima withdraw

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which other school are you considering?

lmao why now at the end u might as well wait

Just finished my math final :grin: :grin:


im so over this


me tooo fam me too lmao but the only thing that keeps me sane is they are running out of time.

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yeah I hope they come out soon its just aggravating having to wait this long without a response. Honestly I don’t have much keeping me going rn tbh they didn’t give me an SGR so… :skull:

lmao you should be happy that means u either got in 100% or the other thing that shall not be named lmao

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NYU came out so USC needs to hurry up

sgrs can take forever and even at that w a 4.0 for spring you arent necessarily guaranteed acceptance

it did?

LMaoo yeah im still praying