2021-2022 USC Transfer


Mid April to mid June. Sometimes first week in April but in the last 3 or so years, it pushed out closer to mid April.

Some won’t hear until after May 31st as they will get SGR instead of decision. But the bulk will have heard by end of May.

Do you mind if I ask What is SGR?

It’s a spring grade request

Yes! I thought it was insanely confusing, the whole process compared to UC app

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Im in the same situation that I did well in the Fall but I am doing bad in Winter quarter B+ in writing seminar. So idk if I should do the self report or wait for them to request a SGR
Or if I do the self-report, maybe they will give decision instead of possible SGR?

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Sameeee, I have legit the same scenario. Although, I thought about since the class I’m taking is a prerequisite for my major which implies it somewhat important, even though I did well in all my other classes the whole fall and now spring semester, I think I might just keep a clean slate until they actually think “wait, we wanna see your spring grades”.

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Hey everyone, I’m a current transfer student at USC (Marshall) and was in your position last year waiting for my decision. I know how nerve-racking it can be while you wait and these next few months are gonna feel like forever. Keep your heads high and stay positive while you wait! Feel free to ask me any questions or concerns you have :slight_smile:


yoooo i was going through last year’s thread and i saw ur posts lol good to know u r w/ us


Finally got the green check mark for College transcripts. That took about six weeks.

USC admitted more students than normal last year due to COVID concerns, resulting in 3,460 students enrolling. Their annual target is closer to 3,000 enrollees as a freshman class. Unfortunately, those “extra” 400+ enrollees are likely to impact the number of transfers accepted this year.

I have no verifiable info but it’s certainly a possibility that rising sophomore transfers will be negatively impacted. I hope I’m wrong.

Any sources that you have gathered this info from? Makes sense and all however I wouldn’t think the admitted freshmen class can affect transfer applicants.

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You can do a Google search and find USC’s first year student profile dating back several years. For the Class of 2024 they enrolled 3,460. For the Class of 2023 it was 3,168. USC might have intentionally admitted more students last year to protect its yield and compensate for the uncertainty with COVID. The final result was over enrollment when compared to prior years.

It impacts transfer applicants because there are only so many spots available in the rising sophomore class for transfers. If USC enrolled say 300 more freshman last year, that means there are arguably 300 less spots for sophomore transfers this year (more or less). Again, I’m speculating but it is very plausible that less rising sophomore transfer students will be accepted due to over enrollment last year.

Note: if you research earlier classes, the final enrollment numbers were around 3,300 so it might not be as bad as I originally thought.

What were your stats when you applied? Can you give us some background? :slight_smile:

I understand now. I missed the keyword in sophomore transfer applicants. Definitely a great point you put out. Hopefully it does not affect all transfer applicants, i’m a Junior Transfer applicant.

Wouldn’t that primarily have an impact on the transfers from last year? I thought USC would somewhat have a gauge on how many freshmen chose to enroll before they send admissions for transfers.

If (and that’s an unknown “if”) they over enrolled last year (too many freshman), then it might impact how many sophomore transfers are admitted this year, as this year’s sophomores are in the same graduating class as last year’s freshman.

Very normal to be notified after May. I was admitted May 27th luckily, that was because I submitted my SGR immediately, and then they just made a fast decision. I was a lucky one.

Oh I thought USC looks as their incoming class as the freshmen + transfers. I can see where you are coming from but didn’t the freshmen fall enroll yield go down from 41.9% to 36%.

Yeah of course. So I was an OOS transfer from Illinois at my local community college with a 3.79 cumulative GPA. I had 55 credits at the time of application and 12 in progress. I completed all the recommended courses for Marshall: Financial and Managerial Accounting, Micro and Macro Economics, Calculus, and the Writing requirement. Involved in tennis, volleyball, Phi theta kappa, and had a part-time job. My essays were good but not great or something I would brag about. I also had 2 letters of recommendation one from a professor and one from a supervisor at work. Offered spring admission and accepted. Hope that helps and lmk if you have any other questions.