2021-2022 USC Transfer

Hi everyone. I got an email today asking for my official AP score reports. I know you have to self-report initially, does them asking for the official scores mean anything?

Where we supposed to report our AP scores? I didnā€™t think it was necessary until if we get in.

Yeah exactly, which is why I am kind of confused why they emailed me about it :confused:

I didnā€™t get an email about it, they must be in the process of reviewing your app (my best bet but idk)

Does anyone know if USC is open to the public? I want to visit but Iā€™ve never been soā€¦?

I completed everything like you minus the microeconomics (currently taking). I passed all these courses with Aā€™s. Iā€™m currently sitting at a 3.85. I also applied to Marshall. What do you think my chances are? This wait has me feeling a bit antsy, lol.

My girlfriend goes there and says that if you download the Trojan Check app you should be able to visit as a guest. None of the buildings are open but you can walk around to experience campus(itā€™s magical) even if it is really empty right now

I am wondering if anyone can give me any insight about my stats. I applied last year to USC to the school of cinematic arts as a first year student and didnā€™t get in. Looking back now, my application last year was AWFUL. This year, I applied for public relations at Annenberg as a 1st year transfer student, so I would be going to USC for my sophomore year. I currently attend the Newhouse school at Syracuse University and I am a film and tv major. By the end of the year, I will have 30 college credits. I have taken mostly all GE classes and currently have a 3.667 gpa out of 4. My high school stats arenā€™t the best, I had a 3.3 GPA with a 600 English SAT and 500 math SAT but I didnā€™t submit my SATS this year to USC. I have really strong writing skills and believe I wrote really good essays. I have a ton of extracurriculars and even some job experience. I have visited campus before and have attended virtual info sessions. Just wondering if anyone could give me any input on what you think my chances are!

I believe that most outdoor areas are open, but buildings are closed. You have to get a negative COVID test before being able to enter. Someone whoā€™s a student can correct me if Iā€™m wrong

Whatā€™s up fellas! I know itā€™s impossible to truly gauge someoneā€™s prospect of being accepted, but perhaps someone can offer at least a little insightā€¦

I am applying as a Junior transfer with 34 units completed and 15 in progress, and by the end of this semester I will have fulfilled all of USCā€™s GE requirements. I have a 4.0 cumulative gpa and will hopefully be able to maintain that through the end of this year given my current classes are fairly easy. I applied for Price School of Public Policy as my first choice and Annenberg Communications as my second.

There arenā€™t any prerequisite courses for Public Policy or Communications, but I obviously donā€™t have very many units and I also have a ā€œNo-Passā€ on my record from an Arabic language course that I took during my first year. Those seem like pretty big dents. Additionally, I took a lot of ā€œpremed coursesā€ - like Bio, Anatomy, Chemistry - thinking I was going to apply to a nursing program or something. It wasnā€™t until this semester that I decided to change my major so I feel as if the lack of correlation between the classes I took and the programs I am applying to, is also a sizable dent.

I wrote my essay about how I was a very poor student in high school - graduated with a 2.0 senior year and a 3.0 cumulative, and couldnā€™t even apply to any schools during my senior year because I chose not to take an SAT/ACT - and how I wound up making a complete 180 in college. I donā€™t know if itā€™s good but I feel like my story is unique and unexpected.

All things considered, any thoughts? Thanks!

I know someone mentioned this earlier a few comments back (and being rude isnā€™t my intention) but can we please not turn this into a ā€œchance meā€ forum? This is a forum where people should be asking/answering questions about transferring. If you want a senior member to answer your ā€œchance meā€ questions, just message them privately. It wastes space for those who want to read important info about this year.

I think you sound like a very competitive applicant! That is amazing how you made such a turnaround from high school. I can see admissions being very impressed by that and all your accomplishments. Schools like USC love to see growth. Fulfilling all the GE requirements is great too. Good luck!

I submitted a Common App midterm report form through the portal as ā€œunofficial spring grades,ā€ Iā€™m not sure if this the right way to go about it but I only have one semester of college work and AP credits on my transcript so I figured it might help. Should I call the admissions office/email my AO to make sure they received it and it will be taken into account? Or just let it be so not to annoy them or draw unnecessary attention to my app?

Do you really think you should ask if their system is working and they are doing their job? Because thatā€™s what those questions ask. That is not the kind of attention you want.

If you want to tell your AO you posted it for xxx reason and/or provide other new information, that would be better than those above.

Noted, thank you for saving me from a potential blunder

@marl24 No worries, I donā€™t want to tell you not to reach out if you want to, thatā€™s up to you, but just want it to be in the right context. It can be ok to send a note to the AO saying you are having a great semester and added your unofficial midterm report to your portal, and will send the official as soon as available. And end with something like, I am hoping for great news from USC!

Short and positive that expresses sincere interest is ok, just donā€™t want to ask them something awkward. Also, itā€™s better if you word it as an fyi and not looking for a response, as itā€™s a crazy busy time for them. Good luck!

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dude you literally have a ā€œchance meā€ post in this forum, relax

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It was a general message to everyone, not just you, but the shoe fits I guess.

Hello, new here. Any vets and/or applying to Sol Price for Real Estate Development (RED)? Love to keep in communication with you

My fin aid stuff isnt showing up. Should i be worried?