2021-2022 USC Transfer

My financial aid status request also does not show up for USC. I submitted my general Fafsa back in January

Are you looking at your FAST?

If I add an EC on the common app, will USC see it?

Iā€™m also having trouble seeing my financial aid request on FAST, even though I submitted my FAFSA in October. Hopefully theyā€™ve actually received it and Iā€™m just experiencing a glitch on my end :upside_down_face:

So, I had to call the finaid office and then all of a sudden they were able to load my stuff to my FAST.

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Can anyone please mention fin aids email address?

They dont have one publically posted, call them

If my FAST says my application is in review, does that mean everything is in order for my finaid?

I think so. Mine says in review. If they needed you to submit any other forms, it would say so under required documents.

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I just called the financial aid office and the nice gentleman told me they just didnā€™t have my SSN so all I had to do was verify my last four and some other information. If your FAST account isnā€™t updated, it does not hurt to call.


when will we hear back from USC? because I got into other schools and I have to respond back by May 1stā€¦ Anybody know what I should do in this situation?

All you can do is commit to your top (assuming, state or public) school that you have heard from by the May 1 deadline. Unfortunately, you will have to absorb any deposit you have made, if you heard from USC after May 1 and decide to attend USC. It really is unfortunate that all Universities wonā€™t help people out here!

From threads Iā€™ve read, looks like some lucky transfers hear by May 1, but some donā€™t hear for weeks after that.

@hopethecalicocat Exactly what @cazzer65 said. Just to add, the double committing taboo isnā€™t an issue for transfers as they realize students are put in this position with the varying release dates. But yes, you may have to eat the deposit of one school, or some will ask if they can extend their acceptance period while they await results.

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You seem to know a lot of how the USC system works. Thank you very much for the time and effort that you put to comfort and guide a lot of applicants and parents!
How likely it is for a TTP to hear in March or early April?

@4my3kgbg Thanks for the kind words. Had/have several accepted/attending (still current student there) so been there done that ha. I also spend a lot of time at USC for different things and have a lot of contacts there so that helps too. I donā€™t get it all right, but I try. :slight_smile:

It is very likely for a TTP to hear early. The TTPs that find out later are the exception not the rule.
In some years TTPs could hear immediately after regular decision in late March/early April but in the last few they have tended to be released with first waves of transfer decisions which tends to be mid April. Since the reg decision is much later this year, I would expect transfers not to start till at least mid April if not later since itā€™s an upside down year! Good luck to you!

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that sucks because USC is my top choice :sweat:

You may find out in plenty of time, lots of students do! Hereā€™s hoping!

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The wait is absolutely killing me. I worked super hard for this opportunity, hopefully some good can come out of it. GL to everyone!

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Only 1 out of my 3 transcripts have been received. Anyone else in the same position?
How much longer should I wait until calling admissions office?