2021-2022 USC Transfer

What yr are you?

i already SIR a UC cause theyā€™re taking so long :smiley: but like I wanna go to USC im stuck man

thats what I cant help but feel but we must not think like tht

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I applied to Dornsife History Major

Not necessarily. When I got accepted, I heard after the brutal rejection day and even a few days after their official deadline that year (June 1st). I was Dornsife and got in. Itā€™s hard to say what USC is planning though - or if they really have a set plan at this point.


itā€™s just stressful lowkey bc i already got housing for the school i committed to lmaooo

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dornsife biology here :man_scientist:t5:

Was your late acceptance due to an SGR?

I feel it im fighting for ucla housing but its vicious lmao.

fr? good luck i hope it works outā€‹:pray:t2::pray:t2:

It depends, if youā€™re a Junior applicant I wouldnā€™t expect to receive anything. If youā€™re a Sophomore applicant unless youā€™re a TTP I would have expected a SGR. Just my opinion, the majority of decisions havenā€™t been released so donā€™t give up hope.

I am neither of those. I am just a junior applicant from a CCC. My current GPA is 3.91.

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Thank you :slight_smile: you too!

yup! Exactly!

Cool! Thanks for letting me know

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ty :sob:

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Iā€™m TTP and I received an SGR pretty early. I havenā€™t received a decision, but I applied as KECK undergrad. Iā€™m a sophomore. Should I be worried that I havenā€™t received a decisionā€¦

Did you receive a rejection then an acceptance?

I mentioned a few days ago we would likely see decisions starting early this week since they blew off last week with graduation (Didnā€™t want to say anything this morning about it and dodged that question as you guys are nervous enough all day already) - so while I donā€™t have a crystal ball, it seems this is looking like the wave patterns of years past all consolidated into this week rather than over 2-3 weeks. Dornsife and Marshall roll together, I would guess tomorrow (maybe or even Wed) would be Annenberg, Roski, Price, maybe even SCA/Thornton (small programs so we may not hear much on here) unless those last couple are sent out with Viterbi for the grand finale. Thornton runs on their own clock most of the timeā€¦Also note these arenā€™t finite acceptances, meaning there can still be Dornsife and Marshall to come throughout the week. Until you get a rejection, you are still in the race (as exhausing as it may be, ugh). I donā€™t think they will roll through the night, I envision them hitting send and going to their car (or dinner table these days, etc). Meaning they are prob done for the day. Would love to be wrong, but history shows this anyway.

Donā€™t forget, along with acceptance and rejections, there will be many that get an SGR that havenā€™t gotten one already.


Nope, I just heard nothing. I was 1000% sure I had just been rejected and they forgot to tell me or something. I had been rejected the year before and would have completed 100 units by that spring, so I didnā€™t really think Iā€™d get an SGR. Just a straight acceptance or rejection.