2021-2022 USC Transfer

does usc accept applicants for the spring semester also? or do they accept them only for the fall semester…? anyone know?

They do accept a select number of spring admits. That is their version of waitlisting

Yes they do some spring semester admits as well.

Just accepted my offer! I’m so excited!

Best of luck to those of you still waiting for a decision!


Welcome to the Trojan Family! :v: :v: :v:

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It seems like they might be taking long with the SGRs. I would have said about 2 weeks was an average timeframe back in the day to get an update, but I could swear earlier in the day someone said they’ve been waiting longer than that already. The first time I applied, I submitted spring grades on June 15th and heard back on June 27th. This was forever ago though.

do you guys think there will be movement tomorrow?

I totally understand. I’m just saying that if grades are submitted from all over the country at different times and there’s several schools that don’t even have final grade yet, how could this be the final week of results?


The bulk remaining come out this week, but SGR results come out all the way to mid-July.

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Thank you so much!! You are so right…it is NEVER too late!! Thank you for rooting for me:) I will stay on this thread to cheer you on and root for the rest of the CC family.


As an FYI, I did not see confetti with my acceptance letter. Maybe that is for freshman admits…not sure (no big deal to me). I freaked out for a brief second and thought you guys should know if you were looking for the confetti when you open your updates.


How long would you say it takes to receive an admission decision after submitting SGR grades?

If I havent gotten a SGR till now, will i be getting a direct decision or i can still get a SGR

I think you still have a chance of receiving an SGR because the admissions said you’ll receive a decision OR an SGR by May 31st.


Continuing the discussion from 2021-2022 USC Transfer:

Had u sent in ur SGR and then it disappeared or it was a red X and it disappeared?

Good morning everyone. Another day closer to our decisions!


I got an email at 2:11 AM from financial aid requesting more additional info. is it good that they need it? also it must be an automated email cuz who would send that email at night

Hello wonderful people I pray many more of us hear good news today!!GL


I just hope they didn’t admit all of Dornsife yesterday. I don’t understand if they know who’s being admitted, why they can’t tell the ones who aren’t at the same time?


should the spring grades you upload move from uploaded materials to application checklist when they review them? mine are still under uploaded materials