2021-2022 USC Transfer

Is there anyone in this forum who has submitted their SGR’s already that has received a decision?

It is confusing. I saw admits from Dornsife, Marshall and Annenberg - should we all be really concerned if we didn’t hear anything? And then someone noticed it was all non-traditional admits. Admitting that way doesn’t make any sense, even though that seems coincidental. I know cadreamin said more should be released, but who knows if just a few came out and we will still have a big wave or the opposite. This rolling admission process is very stressful.


You would only have ‘Spring Grade Request’ in your application checklist if they requested a SGR from you. If you have not received a SGR and voluntarily uploaded your final Spring Grades, then I do not know if it’ll show in application checklist.

I received a spring grade request email in the beginning of May but it never appeared under the application checklist so I just uploaded them and they are still in their uploaded materials?

Seriously! So strange why they can’t just do one day like every other school. This is unnecessarily stressful.


You should definitely contact an AO or someone, bc you should have Spring Grade Request within your Application Checklist if they requested it from you, and if you uploaded your Spring Grades, there should be a green check mark that appears right after you upload your Spring Grades within the Application Checklist for Spring Grade Request. Perhaps something in your application portal is glitching.

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What do you mean by “non-traditional admits” ?

Good Morning, Everyone! I don’t think they’re done admitting students, because I feel they’d post on social media congratulating all the transfers! Let’s keep our faith! Good Luck, everyone!


If this helps anyone, I submitted my MID TERM grades and used the “spring grade” option in the drop down menu. Those mid term grades then posted under my checklist maked “spring grades” with a green check. THEN I received a SGR and submitted them, and they’ve never moved up to the checklist. My SGR submission is still down under “uploaded material”. So from my experience, you only get one submission that will auto load under spring grades with a green check. If you’ve submitted midterms, that spot is already taken and additional grades, such as a SGR, won’t ever show in your formal checklist.

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It was posted somewhere above, but I’m assuming they meant people who didn’t go straight from high school to 1 or 2 years of college to transfer.


We got this! Let’s just hope today a BIG wave comes out, so we all can finally stop stressing and get some sleep


It’s not over until the rejections come out. At that point everyone should have acceptance, rejection, or SGR. Although, they sometimes leave someone hanging without any news like @zettasyntax. :slight_smile:

Agree, it is an awful way to do it but how it has always been done. Transfers are certainly not a priority there, like most private schools, so don’t expect it to change. It’s a brutal process, it would be great to do it on one day, but they just fill spaces most of summer with transfers. Those who get the spot are happy, but seems unnecessarily stressful on many.


Appreciate you!

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I was looking at past trends and some people got into Dornslife on the 21st, the 22nds and then the 27th (last year) so keep your head up and stay positive!


This process has turned out to be such a bummer. I’m competing with such amazing students who have been involved in everything. I’m over here with enormous family responsibilities, (Parkinson’s and Cancer) that take all of my time and colleges haven’t seemed to care.


Do not overthink! You are an amazing student as well! Trust me colleges do care- USC is very holistic


I hope so. My last decision after 6/6 rejections.

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Since I had a bit of a unique situation I just wanted to clarify for anyone still waiting for a response.

Annenberg Admit

I finished all the GEs last fall, so I never got an SGR. But I did have my official transcript with my AA-T submitted to admissions in February.

I was offered to submit my individual grades via email link back in January and completed it.

I completed all my IGETC stuff w/ a certification (not needed for USC).

Additionally, I submitted my application the first day it was available to submit last November (despite my AO’s recommendation that I wait till February 2021 :sweat_smile:)

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lets hope they kick off some decisions around 5 like yesterday so we can begin frantically checking our emails and portals :crazy_face:


I lowkey love the overall adrenaline rush on the decision day checking emails every 10 secs refreshing pages, opening the letter lol but hate waiting for it