2021-2022 USC Transfer

I would honestly just call USC admissions to be safe. I am not entirely sure, but I feel like they may want an official report of the winter grades. I’m no expert, so I think it’s best to be safe and call USC and ask what they prefer. :slight_smile:

wait so decisions start rolling out from middle of April?

For some applicants, not all. It’s mainly for TTP transfer applicants with the exception of a few non-TTP applicants. The decisions all start to trickle in after that.

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Anyone else submitted application materials long time ago, but the portal says that you’re missing most of it?

Mine has been submitted and portal reflects it. I contacted my admissions counselor via email about 3 days after I received notification from my high school and college transcripts were mailed.

I emailed my counselor. I received an email from both my HS and college that they sent my transcripts long time ago. Hopefully they find it

I hope they do :smile: and I hope you hear good news come May :wink: #HopefulTrojans

BTW, am I the only military/veteran/dependent in the forum so far???
Any hopeful price transfers???

My understanding is that the decisions come out towards the end of the week usually, in the late afternoon Thursday or Friday. Any one else has any info on the decision days and times?

No no info on specific dates/times except for past years waves documented on previous threads

How holistic is their approach when viewing grades? Might be a dumb question but I have a single B on my transcript which lowered my gpa from a 3.96 to a 3.88 after this past fall semester and I’m worried that drop will hurt my chances. I’m applying as a rising junior from a private 4-year in California with 57 credits completed and 16 in progress.

Prior military/nontraditional here

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Does anyone get rejected before May 31 or does everyone get either an acceptance or SGR?

Rejections come before May 31, not everyone gets an acceptance or SGR

How early do rejections start? Like mid april to mid may?

honestly, even with your slight drop, you are still above the average… I’m sure if you wrote a meaningful essay on how you are a good fit in the trojan family… you will be fine.

Hey Nikkki728 :wave:t4: Nice to see another vet!!! What branch and how long were you in before you separated?

Basing it on previous forums, decisions start mid-April for most TTP and some “lucky” non-TTP applicants. These decisions are not always an acceptance or SGR so getting an update early does not necessarily mean a good a thing or the fact you haven’t heard back yet once we are in mid-May to the end of May mean its bad news. Remember there are thousands of applicants the admission office has to go through and consider each holistically and weigh out which students will fit best with them. Best advice (and trust me I have to remind myself of this as well) be patient and take the time to distract yourself with school if you are currently attending CC to complete your general education and/or major specific pre-reqs and/or focus on hobbies.

Rejections sweep out all at once at the end of May. Many will have been accepted prior to that from mid April (has been earlier like the 7th-10th, but USC is running most things later this year) through end of May. Those with SGRs will hold on for news endlessly it seems, well into June and some into early July. It eventually comes. In April/May, it tends to be about three larger waves with trickles following. Acceptances tend to be by schools, but it is not a one and done wave per school…Marshall or say Dornsife will accept a bunch, but then there are still Marshall acceptances here and there in days/weeks following kind of thing. You are not out till you’re out.

Buckle up though, it can be a long and bumpy ride. Good luck all!


@CADREAMIN since you mention it was by schools, would you so happen to know when Price will start sending their decisions (based on the past of course, I know its not always the same)? There isn’t many people I hear trying to transfer to Price for their degree programs.