2021-2022 USC Transfer

I’m not a legacy, but I have TTP and have not heard back yet.


lets hope so

@CADREAMIN any reasoning for why my SGR went away?

god this is getting so close to the wire, i remember you telling me you committed to chapman since it’s getting close n i think i might have to do the same for ucsb jeez…

i’m not ttp (still kicking myself for it orz) so i was expecting to be in a later batch anyways but the fact a majority of people haven’t heard is insane :sweat:

Did you submit it and check mark is gone, or the requirement for it went away? What exactly is different. A decision perhaps? We heard this happening in last couple days, this astute crowd likely remembers that…

@Ummmidk What is your major?

i’m switched around haha, i’m legacy without ttp. i’m assuming ttp are just going to be lumped with everyone when this next wave comes around… whenever that is lol, but hopefully we hear back and get in!! :smiley:

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my sgr just disappeared as well!


@CADREAMIN does usc auto release decisions?

I applied as a global health major. I received a SGR in April and I submitted it may 13th. Do you think TTP would just be with the huge wave? That’s what I’m expecting now. I was worried…but it hasn’t even been a full 2 weeks since I submitted my spring grades

did you send in ur sgr?

I submitted my SGR and there was a green checkmark and then it disappeared altogether!

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can you send a pic?

this is what I see

yeah I submitted mine a couple weeks ago

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its just gone

lol it got consumed

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uhh did everyone got a winter grade request (that went to a quarter system school)? i just uploaded the grades without them asking for it and it’s not a checklist item

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i think you should be good

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