2021-2022 USC Transfer

does it usually mean anything if my sgr disappeared? has it happened in past years?

same I just uploaded it but it isnā€™t on my checklist

do you remember the date that you got it? i uploaded grades as soon as they were available at the end of march

My SGR also disappeared, uploaded mine a week ago


lmao my sgr disappeared too

Yeah Iā€™m kinda glad I committed to Chapman already but damn USC is really dragging their feet, just wish I could know already. Well if you do end up committing to ucsb itā€™s still a great school that Iā€™m sure youā€™ll do really well at! But hey who knows maybe USC might surprise us and actually get back to us lol. And also same Iā€™m not a ttp either. I honestly donā€™t remember seeing it offered to me if it was lol whoops. But hey I KNOW where ever you end up youā€™ll be fantastic! :smiley:

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man, iā€™m getting so restless about usc taking eons to release decisions. it would be much better if they released them all on a set date. most people have to make decisions about other schoolsā€¦ UCs require SIRs by June 1st. if usc waits till the 31st, iā€™m going to be very disappointed. people donā€™t have forever to wait

I didnā€™t get requested for one either but I uploaded it anyways because the USC admissions Twitter account asked quarter system transfers to do so. Mineā€™s was checked green after a couple weeks after sending it in.

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what school are you at?

Iā€™m at UCSD.

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I committed to another school too. if I get into usc I donā€™t know what im gonna do lol

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Has an SGR disappearance happened before?

If the SGR disappearing means something, Iā€™m worried, bc mine is still there.

I canā€™t recall if it was ever checked but now itā€™s definitely not there

Lmao yeah that crosses my mind too. Cuz like here I am committed to another school and then BOOM I somehow get into USC, i honestly donā€™t know what iā€™ll do either. :laughing:

What school did you commit to?

Any consensus on the sgr disappearances? Good, bad, glitch?

Do you remember when you uploaded the winter grades? It can take quite a long time for them to show they received it. Sometimes they actually did receive it but they just havenā€™t put it on your portal.

currently committed to emory!


no one rlly knows tbh


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