2021-2022 USC Transfer

do you think there is still a chance they will come out today?

Seems unlikely

My son was TTP in 2019 and his SGR was disappeared, too. He emailed his AO asking why his SGR was disappeared and his counsellor (Bruce Grier) said ā€œYes, it is because you have been admittedā€. Thatā€™s how he knew he was accepted.


So people with SGRā€™s that disappear in their portal are accepted? Not that anyone can really answer this question but if thatā€™s the case, this is super upsetting. Iā€™m already going through my self doubting phase now this :sob:

Please dont read into that literallyā€¦ it could just mean they may have a decision for you guysā€¦ whether its an acceptance or rejection one does not know.


Me still with a SGR, thinking I got rejected. :scream:

Woopie. :sob:

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Thatā€™s what happened to my son 2 years ago.

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Yeah, Iā€™m sure itā€™s different this year. Weā€™re all a little freaked out by this.

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Just found this thread. Whereā€™s the withdraw button that you guys mentioned? I never found it in my portal, could anyway send a screenshot?
Never mind I saw it. I thought it would be b real button instead of a link

it is just the link where it says ā€œclick hereā€ under ā€œWithdraw my applicationā€. Supposedly, it disappears a little bit before your decision.

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i think its fair to believe that I was denied

honestly same for me too. Although I got all Aā€™s in all my other classes, I got one bad grade which brought my GPA down and its for a prerequisite classā€¦ I mean even though Iā€™m a TTP with legacy, I think there are just better applicantsā€¦ :sob: Big sad. :ā€™(

yeah i have a 3.5 gpa from uci and tbh i dont even know how i could manage life in la its so expensive and crowded. uci is really calm and stable which i think is what i need rn especially that i was just diagnosed with bipolar 1

But we never know until the outcome comes. So even though we may think we donā€™t have a chance right now, I guess there really isnā€™t any harm in thinking we do have a chance of getting in. Itā€™s so hard to stay hopeful and positive, when everything around you says youā€™re not going to achieve success, but I guess sometimes things fall into our benefit and we still donā€™t know for sure if weā€™re getting accepted or rejected. Letā€™s just stay smiling inside and out.


BTW I uploaded my unofficial spring grade (MT report actually) in April and I never received a SGR request does that mean I already have no chance

Good evening future Trojans,

Wondering if we got to choose transfer as junior or sophomore level when filling out the common app? I can not recall, and I got 36(finished)+ 13(on-going) units.

Very nice school

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do transfer students get that really nice acceptance package in the mail if admitted?

I heard that they do :slight_smile:

Letā€™s hope we all get one :crossed_fingers:


Yes you will! My stepchild who got accepted a month ago received it - plus a sweatshirt from Thornton Music. :slightly_smiling_face:

Fingers crossed for all of you. Every day I check in hoping to see good news! Hereā€™s hoping for something this week -only 2 more days left. Hang on. No matter what happens you all are wonderful candidates who will go on and do great things in life!