2021-2022 USC Transfer

Official transcript for sure but you can upload an unofficial one in the meantime so they are at least aware of your grades.

OMG!! did you take any actions like contacting them or you just patiently waited for the portal to update ?

Hey quick question guys. I am currently a quarter system uni freshman, and my winter grades just came out, should I upload it proactively or should I wait for USC to request it if they need it? I am kind of struggling cus I did well in the fall but I lost my 4.0 in the winter

Emailed my area counselor once and then checked portal everyday for two months and finally. Just didnt want to annoy them or disturb them in any manner so patience was the only option

I sent in my transcript like mid-Feb but it hasnā€™t updated yet. Same as you, I donā€™t wanna annoy them but iā€™m getting real anxious lolll. Debating if I should just go ahead and askā€¦

Just inform it once to ur area counselor and you will be good. They are very understanding and supportive especially during these times. Dont stress urself it will be fine. I submitted on feb 1 so they are prolly getting to urs since u submitted mid feb

I would 100% ask. I asked my admissions counselor and the problem was fixed. They would probably rather have you email them than not get your transcript. Trust me, it wonā€™t work against you. The admissions staff is very understanding and they would want to know if there was some kind of error. :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll prolly do that, thank you!! Also, did you receive the email from your sending institution that your transcript was downloaded though?

I got it sent via email to their email address. Did not do it electronically

The thing is I already emailed my counselor about my transcripts once before and she said to wait patiently (but that was way long ago). This one is a different transcript so idk if I should ask again lolll

I would say give them a week more. Let the freshman decisions go out so all their focus comes on our apps. Because tbh i would not tell the admissions officer that they are not doing their job right or they are slow. If they are being so understanding and cooperative we should be doing our part as well which is to wait a bit

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Lol mine said the same thing to me, but then when it still hadnā€™t gotten processed and it had been over a month I emailed again and she said that my transcripts should have already arrived and she checked and I guess there was some kind of technical error. If it has been this long, I would contact them again, especially since it is a different transcript. They will understand :slight_smile:

Do they only start looking at ours when freshman decisions are out, which is March 30 I believe?

Yes i think so because they have applied well before us and they are greater in number they are the priority

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Iā€™m not entirely sure, but to be safe, I wouldnā€™t wait too long. Because from what I have heard transfer decisions will start rolling out sometime in April.

@Nikkki728, it may benefit you to contact the VA office at USC. You still served as a volunteer and it is regarded well. All you need to do is ask.

What does lost 4.0 mean? 4.0 not required! Sounds like you may have got a B or two, or did something really tank? If just a B or two send it, donā€™t get hung up with an SGR.

You can also call admissions and have them pull up your app to check on something not showing upā€¦then you donā€™t have to worry about insulting your advisor or dealing with an unresponsive one. Just call. Prepare to hold and call before Tuesday, you wonā€™t get through after that for awhile.

I didnā€™t serve as a volunteer, I served and itā€™s in my application. I was in the guard

HMMā€¦ I tried to call but they are not doing phone services I thought? Do you know which number is the right one to call?