2021-2022 USC Transfer

Thank you for the detailed response! I have not taken any of those courses so I am a bit worried. My articulation agreement seems a bit outdated as not many people apply from my community college. good luck to both of us!

ā– ā– ā– ā–  this year is full of all sorts of possibilities 4 all u know u gonna get in! Stay optimistic and hopeful. Just in case u have a back up?


Do you need to finish all the core literacies? Iā€™m a couple classes short.

thank you man I really appreciate it!

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From what I heard u donā€™t have to do anything the more you do and the better grades you have the more competitive u are. I did not really look into it tbh I just followed uc guidelines. Use the transfer suggestion simulator for help.

Same. I pretty much followed the UC guidelines but I need one more class to fufill the whole GE. I did finish my major requirements though!

tell me why i came to korean bbq to get my mind off the application, & thereā€™s a bunch of students here from usc :neutral_face:


Thanos: ā€œIā€™m inevitable.ā€

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I was at USC today it was purrrtyy



I didnā€™t receive grades update

Hey yall,

I havenā€™t been following this thread for a long time! Iā€™m so glad that I wasnā€™t part of this agonizing waiting game. I decided not to pay attention to the USC process at all and it paid off well for me. Iā€™m pretty sure you guys will hear back SOON. (Sorry for SGRs, you guys wonā€™t hear back till July, haha)

hey I remember you werenā€™t you in the HAAS transfer thread

see yā€™all in 19hours


hey idk if anyone has said this already but my SGR under the application checklist is gone? It was marked as received under the checklist but i checked today and it disappeared. I doubt it means anything but is there any chance it does?

idk if iā€™m reading in on it too much but I just sent some new info to my AO and her response made it almost sound like theyā€™re still reviewing mine or Iā€™m getting an SGR. Iā€™m honestly panicking and I didnā€™t finish the semester too hot so my anxiety is thru the ROOF.

Tons of talk about this topic has been discussed previously in the thread. If you take a quick scroll youā€™ll find plenty of info and ideas about what it means. The spark notes answer is that thereā€™s really no definitive answer. Lots of people have had stuff disappear from their portal, others still have everything. Itā€™s safe to say both sides have equal chance of being accepted. Previous years forums attest to this. Anything could happen so I wouldnā€™t get extra hopeful or discouraged


Donā€™t put too much thought into it. Wait until you know for sure. If your more curious about the SGRā€™s look here: https://admissionblog.usc.edu/2021/05/27/7387-2/ . This was a blog from USC today, which has been posted above but Im not sure if youā€™ve seen it.

Well lads, it would appear as if the day of judgment is upon us. We shall go forth with strength, and not let this admissions office further cripple our mental health. Good luck.


sending good vibes to you all <3

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