2021-2022 USC Transfer

I think we’ve all decided that they HAVE to come out today, but we’ve all been wrong before…so…

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Good morning guys! TODAY MUST BE THE DAY :smiling_imp:


for once i have not had cc open on a tab all day bc i was getting ready for my graduation today so that explains the late reply LOL but seeing other legacy that aren’t ttp is always reassuring to me! i know i was offered ttp… i just didn’t take it bc i was in the wrong headspace haha. but honestly i’m super excited for both of my options (here i am buying bikinis for my eventual beach girl transformation :joy:) chapman or usc, i already know you’ve got it in the bag but maybe we’ll see each other on campus someday :blush:

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hey y’all! graduating today and i have usc hot glued on my cap so… it can go etiher way for me n we’ll see what happens today, would’ve been nice to know a week before showtime but eh

anyways, just wishing everyone good luck and much love when they see their acceptance letters in their portals! hopefully we can FINALLY put this excruciating wait to rest today :triumph:


Good luck to everyone.


This wait is ridiculous. USC has to be better and more courteous.

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My D has to wait till July now, I couldn’t agree more

Can someone confirm that we actually have to wait till July or even august? I certainly hope that isn’t the case :cry:

Has anyone’s counselor ghosted them? I sent them an email like 2 months ago, and they never responded…


Yes I haven’t gotten a response for over 4 months

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RIP. USC administration is kind of annoying me. Also, if you got an SGR then you probably won’t be hearing until July or August. :neutral_face:

even if we got an SGR 5 weeks ago?

I’m beyond frustrated rn


I’m not sure. Have you submitted your spring grades?

I think the late sgr responses are for people whose spring terms end later

Not only have I not gotten any decision from USC, but haven’t gotten an answer back from them at all

Why are they doing this to us? I want to enjoy my summer :confounded:


They’re testing our mental strength lmao


Could I drive to USC right now and file a complaint?

My Daughter is stressing