2021-2022 USC Transfer

Drive to USC and get into a fist fight with the undergrad office. They’ll accept you right away as it shows initiative. :crazy_face:

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i’m def withdrawing if i get an sgr and not a decision by may 31


good luck guys!

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If my D doesn’t get an acceptance by the end of today which is Friday, and would have to wait till July or august for a denial then she will withdraw also


I agree, doesn’t make sense to wait on them for another two months when we have other schools that actually want us.


Good luck everyone - I never thought they would wait until today - what should be technically - the last day to put out this many results to hit the 31st deadline. No doubt a brutal wait for so many.

I hope you have lined up back-up plans (it seems like many have fantastic options) in the event of rejection or lower than expected financial aid, which usually comes 3-7 days after the acceptance. You can ask a school for an extension on your deposit for example.

Some will receive an SGR so a reminder from their blog:
If you receive a request for spring grades, we want to see your final spring grades. Progress reports will not be sufficient. We know that this may mean we will not have your spring grades until later in the summer. We require students submit their spring transcripts by June 30th for consideration. We do not require an official spring transcript to fulfill our request. Submitting an official transcript from your school takes a lot of time, so we encourage students to upload an unofficial copy of their final spring grades in their applicant portal (Login). This will help speed up the review process. While waiting is hard (and we understand that our transfer process runs later than most), our final decisions for students will come out by mid-July.


if I received a sgr a few weeks ago does that mean that I may not receive another update by the 31st

If you have not turned in the SGR yet, yes, you may still be waiting for new news.

That’s crazy. Why all the way till mid July?!


@CADREAMIN is there a possibility decisions will be released Monday?

I’m hoping for mass amounts of acceptances today like for them to do a full drop lol.

I feel ya, it seems disrespectful…but in a school where there is a line of people willing to wait to take the spot someone else abandons…they have the luxury of doing it this way. Not saying it is right, and other schools don’t take this long - I wish they would change to a single results day for transfers - but I suppose this process helps them balance their classes and majors optimally. There was a year where they had 150 more enroll than they expected and it was amazing how that was detrimental to that class. Ya wouldn’t think so with such a big school, but with smaller classes and limited housing, it really did mess things up for current students at the time.

I cannot imagine them working on a holiday and releasing decisions then…but I really thought they were coming out yesterday, so my intel was off or something came up. But them working on Memorial Day is like a bank opening their doors early if customers were lining up at the door - they just wouldn’t dream of doing it. It’s also technically risky to literally wait till the last minute, USC is not known for their precision is results releases. Lots of strengths, that is not one of them. :slight_smile: :v:

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I really wonder if the SGR disappearing means anything.

Ya, it was suspicious, but it may just mean they were reviewing, downloading, but not be tied to a specific result. The problem with these things is when results come out, it is a free for all, and it’s hard to track who that happened to then tie it to a pattern.

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I got off the phone with admissions just now and they said that there will be nothing today and decisions will come out on the 31st.


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Who knows at this point - but I can tell you every year (and I mean every year) there is someone that calls - and the answer is something like, next week, next Friday, April 1st, May 31st, etc., and a couple hours later the results are posted.

I hope you are that person this year. :grin:

The 31st would just be cruel and unusual punishment.


Right! I hope they just said that so I would stop asking questions.

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Didnt u ask them how since 31st is a federal holiday?