2021-2022 USC Transfer

Ya, them working on the 31st, not seeing it. These people love their weekends and holidays. They aren’t putting in the OT. Memorial Day is a sacred one as holidays go, as it should be. Frankly, it would be disrepectful to put them out that day, imo.


nope, he seemed pretty sure. I asked if there were any decisions today, he said no. I asked when and he said Monday.

Just an update but my SGR also ended up disappearing from my checklist. Must mean they’re reviewing my Spring Grades. I’m praying we all get some answer today from USC. I can’t imagine them waiting all the way til Monday.

I find it hard to believe they will release decisions on a national holiday lol. This seems so unreal, I understand they have this luxury because they know there will be students who regardless would love to attend but I hope they realize many top applicants have already made plans elsewhere. I am withdrawing my app, I am signing a lease today good luck to you guys!


I agree it is quite odd, but the way they have been going I wouldn’t be surprised.

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yeah I honestly just don’t think they care because so many people are obsessed with usc

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don’t get me wrong, I love the school too. but, I am willing to put my foot down if the administration is unfair to the students. it seems like more of a business than a school


Can USC release decisions over the weekend? Because if not today, and since Monday is a national holiday, then the only other alternative is the weekend, but they don’t work during the weekend?

@letsgetawin Where are you going if you don’t mind me asking…

To those people who their SGR’s have disappeared, is it still gone or has it reappeared?

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still gone, I really wish we had more concrete info on what this meant so I could rest my head

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So don’t sign any leases at schools you already have been accepted to as housing will available for July & august UsSc admits?

Attending Berkeley for CS, also got into UCLA.

still gone

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seriously. I mean it very well may just be a glitch, but also supposedly a parent reported in this forum a while ago that their son asked an AO why the SGR disappeared, and the AO said the SGR disappearing meant an acceptance. Although take this with a grain of salt as previous decisions trends have showed no correlation of SGR’s disappearing and a certain decision being a result of the SGR’s disappearance.

Someone in this forum also reported their SGR reappeared after disappearing, so it’s very much confusing and vague as to what it means.

if I have to wait till Monday imma be mad

Off campus housing will be available, is that what you are asking? On campus transfer housing unlikely for many at this point, it’s always limited and this year will be even more strained. But there’s a lot of options just around campus.

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Does usc give money for off campus housing if u get it in ur aid package

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Yes, you just select on or off, but it is included.


After I submitted my Spring grades a couple of days ago, the spring grade request disappeared and has not reappeared since.