2021-2022 USC Transfer

Mine was gone but it reappeared. Wonder what that means!!

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Yah, that’s definitely interesting. But, I guess hopefully we’ll all figure out what all these changes or updates on our portals mean by the end of today. Fingers crossed

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Oh well welcome back from your break from cc lol. CONGRATS ON GRADUATING :tada:
That’s awesome! And nice, time to hit the beach!! And aww thanks :upside_down_face:. I know you’ll do great at USC too! Yeah seeing each other on campus someday would be cool :smiley: let’s hope we both get in! Fight on! :v:t3:

Yea I was kinda hyped on the disappearance because I thought that meant acceptance. But now it’s back so we will see what that means.

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I think we all know by now that calling the admissions office doesn’t solve any problems

Unless if it’s for something other than asking about decision release dates.


is there caller id when u call them?

depends- just call as a private caller just add *67 and then their number

Long time Annenberg lurker here


Mine also reappeared today.
3.95 TTP

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But would it matter if it were outside of business hours? I assume it is only a matter of one person pushing a button to release decisions?

kind of a dumb question but they will send out rejections by the 31st right? like they won’t make everyone who wasn’t accepted an SGR and wait until July

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I agree with you.
Also, CONGRATULATIONS! May I ask where you are headed?

I sure hope it’s just one person who pushes a button and all the decisions begin flooding the internet. Just imagine how much power that one person holds :open_mouth:

At the very least, I think it would signal some disarray on their part this admission season. Surely they can’t be that far behind? It boggles the mind.

Yup, if you haven’t gotten a SGR up until now, most likely you’re getting accepted or rejected, however you could also end up getting a SGR right on May 31st. So you really don’t know.

man I hope they will release them tonight


Imagine if they just let them gates open and mass acceptances begin flying out

Like at 5:15 pm this chat is Bursting with cries of joy đŸ„Č

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What I would give :joy::sob:

Interesting. Excited to follow up.
4.0 non ttp