2021-2022 USC Transfer

i got a question about how classes transfer. since universites have different policies, can retroactive credit i earn at my current university transfer over if there is a class that equates itself?

Itā€™s probably likely. You should contact your admissions counselor that would be for your university and see what they say.

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Maybe the people in TTP who have already heard their decision submitted their applications really early. Iā€™m a TTP and I submitted mine Jan 31st which is day before the deadline, so I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be hearing soon or early.

For other TTPā€™ers who have not heard yet, when did you submit your application?

i submitted jan 25th

I submitted January 30 and havenā€™t heard.

I submitted jan 27 Iā€™m hoping next week we will hear back from them.

Iā€™ve been told from a USC representative that submitting an application early (TTP or not) would not help increase the chances of hearing back earlier.

yep thatā€™s what i have heard too

Yeah I donā€™t think it matters either because they start looking at all of them at the same time.

Ya thatā€™s probably the case. Iā€™m really hoping it comes out either by this Friday or by the end of next week at least for TTPā€™ers. I canā€™t keep up with this constant anxiety and waiting. :weary:

Iā€™m not a TTPer but I did submit my application the day after New Years and got my transcript ordered and was reflecting before deadline so hopefully if that true, Iā€™ll at least hear back if I can get a spring grade request early tooā€¦ or just an acceptance Iā€™m good with that too :wink: :crossed_fingers:t4::crossed_fingers:t4::crossed_fingers:t4:

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Did anyone here apply to Annenberg?

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I did

What major did you apply to if you donā€™t mind me asking? Iā€™m just trying to get an idea of how many people applied to each major in Annenberg. I applied for Public Relations!

I applied for Communications, hoping to work in the sports industry. Good luck on PR!

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Good luck to you too! Hope we both get in :blush:

I got a Spring Grade Request today, did anyone receive it too? TTP student here!


Did you just get it? Also, did your portal change? Iā€™m a TTP student but I havenā€™t received a decision.

It just said awaiting: SGR on my portalā€™s checklist

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whatā€™s ur major? also did u have any major classes pending for the spring?