2021-2022 USC Transfer

if you don’t mind me asking, did they email you that you had a change in your portal or did you just happen to check?

Journalism major and I just checked my portal without email

Did you get a letter for SGR or did you open your portal to see that you had an SGR? If you had a letter, what did the letter say?

do you mind me asking if you are taking a class you need for your major this semester or what your gpa is?

i did! to communications

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I’m sure I asked earlier but not sure if there are new people joining… anyone apply for price?

what was ur gpa if u don’t mind telling please?

As we get into decisions, just remember that getting into USC does not determine our worth or capability. We are all unique, smart, and determined individuals and that holds its weight in gold. USC is not the end of the line and college rarely dictates your future goals, it’s all about the mindset to achieve them. Good luck to those who got an SGR and congratulations to those who got in!


Bruh come on! We all know thats bs

It’s true, I’ve seen many of my peers go to lesser known schools and receive just as much, if not more success than those who went to the T50 schools. At the end of the day, a degree is just a piece of paper, it’s about how you can network and insert yourself within your industry. People will pay a lot more attention to the person who has many full scale internships and projects than a person with a Harvard degree with no real world experience.


Yay finally someone else… I was beginning to feel alone here… what degree program are you applying for?

anyone else got SGR? I’m TTP and still no update

I am TTP and I did not get an SGR. No decision though.

Yeah it’s kinda quiet for Price! But I’m here lol Urban Studies is my first choice and Public Policy is my second. Yourself?

Roski applicants?

Real estate development… older student here (35yo) retired USAF vet. Realtor for the last 4 1/2 years. I hope my military and realtor experiences helps me stand out :slightly_smiling_face:

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Any Viterbi TTP applicants here?

Marshall anyone? Any update non ttp

Yea I think so! I am TTP as well!