2021-2022 USC Transfer

Hi, I was admitted to USC last year and majority of people received their decision mid-end may. I know it’s easy to read into things but just keep that in mind so you don’t get your hopes up when you receive requests or additional stuff on your portals.

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Hey! DO NOT WORRY. I promise. I read somewhere that 50% of admitted applicants are interviewed and 50% are not. I was emailed directly by someone on the admissions committee. Being requesting an interview just means that the person reading my application read something that they want to ask me about. They even said in the email “This interview does not mean you will be accepted or given special consideration.” I’m also waiting on a decision from Chapman as well for film production and I didn’t get an interview request from them. I know people who did and they said the same thing about how it doesn’t mean too much. You still could get an interview request, but don’t think too much about it!


I’m not sure either but I think it’s because the people who get them have prerequisites so they have to see the grade before they can decide anything it kind of makes sense.

we’re gonna get through this guys, it seems like next week is very likely the week for ttp’s to start hearing back/non-ttp and ttp’s to get spring grades request. In 2019-2020 thread, april 12th was the day, and 2020-2021 thread (last year), it was april 15th! we’re at the home stretch keep fighting on!


Good luck everyone!


Good luck too!!

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Not USC related but I love your name. Strawberry Swing>>

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OMG YES THANKS I LOVE FRANK!! Songs for Women too:,) Literally all his music is>>


Anyone has gotten interviews?

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some people have. i havent

Hey guys is the spring grade requested based on your first choice major?
I completed all the prereqs for my first choice major but in progress for my second choice major. In this case, will I receive SGR?

I received an interview request for SCA, interactive design! Anyone in a similar situation hit me up I would love to chat

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Ive read that SGRs are common in cases where you are a sophomore transfer so they have little info and want more, or you are taking courses important for the program(s) you are applying to and they want to make sure you are taking these courses/getting good grades. But ofc they don’t request SGR for everyone

the main thing i feel holding my application back is the one gen-ed class I dropped first semester to focus on my main (major) class since lab times were on the same day, which put me at 12 credits for the first semester but still ended up with a 3.72 first semester freshman year and on track for 4.00 for second semester freshman year with 15. crossing my fingers!

i would say it depends if they are considering you for your first or second choice.

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I feel like you’d be fine. As long as it was explained to them, I don’t see how that’d deny you admission. Thousands of students drop classes every semester, even the most successful ones. They understand that people drop classes for multiple reasons, so it’s not some sort of negative indicator of a student’s academic capability. I think you’re fine. Good Luck!

Did anyone else receive a WGR this morning? I’m a junior level transfer but it makes no sense as I’m currently taking a gap year and uploaded my transcripts with all recent classes already taken in January!

Did you explain in your application that you were taking a gap year?

If you didn’t explain that you’re taking a gap year, then that could be why.

You the GOAT! THX

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