2021-2022 USC Transfer

Thank you! Because I feel like my chances are good, and I am done with all of my G.Es, but I know that some students get their decisions mid-April, and I am applying as an art student with not many required classes needed for my major.

Hey guys so for the additional document page where we have to submit the courses you have planned or in progress. Do we do that on a word document and upload it? Can’t I just upload an unofficial transcript (with the in progress classes)?

That is what I did. I talked to an admissions officer and she it is fine to upload your unofficial college transcript.


What is the likelihood that transfer applicants would get accepted around April? Is it usually students who complete their applications earlier or is the process random?

For our GPA, do we put in our fall semester or current?

Do any of you guys have issues copying your essays to the Common App and not having the paragraphs show up? Even though I have space between each paragraph, my essays look like a huge block when I download my application. Can someone help me how to create space between paragraphs in the Common App?

So would you have a word document of classes planned to take and in progress? I understand that you can send your unofficial transcript with your classes in progress, but what about the classes you are planning to take?

Yes! Was having the sam problem, found some info on past cc forums. Pasting the essays from TextEdit (on Mac) seemed to work for me

I am not exactly sure. Since my unofficial transcript already listed out the courses I am taking for Spring 2021 semester, that transcript pretty much highlighted all my courses in college.

Rip I have Windows and I’m looking everywhere to see how to space my paragraphs. Were you also able to see the paragraphs separated when you downloaded your application from the Common App?

It only showed up correctly in the download, I saw a reddit post earlier about the bug maybe look there good luck

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Okay bet appreciate the help!

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@marl24 May you please send the link for that Reddit post? Thank you so much!
I am trying to type my essay into the Common App textbox but I cannot hit “Enter” to start a new line.
Also, when I attempt to copy my essay from a Google Doc, the paragraph breaks were lost. The whole text was jammed together with no spaces between each paragraph.
Is anyone experiencing the same problem? Please help me out if you know a solution. Thanks in advance.

the deadline is Feb 1st 11:59 pm right?


this is the post

Do the paragraph breaks show in the download/preview? Because originally it was like that for me but looked normal in the download. I sent something to commonapp about it earlier but I doubt they’ve done anything yet, seems like it’s happened in past years see link

Thank you!
Everyone is having this issue now. It is a common app problem experienced by all applicants.
It’s such a RIP because the deadline is today.
For those who have not submitted the application, please let me know if you guys find out how to do a paragraph break.

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I’m pretty sure the deadline is tomorrow 11:59pm as the usc admission twitter says. But if the commonapp bug still persists tomorrow, thats an issue.

The common app issue still exists. We are so screwed.

Is the common app down right now?