2021-2022 USC Transfer

It isnt 6 yet. Thats when they came out last year

it’s just a hunch because they came out the 15th of april last year at 6pm

I guess another day gone with no other updates for all the TTP… its okay tomorrow is another day.


Unnrelated to all this but u guys gotta watch this on netflix: “operation varsity blues: the college addmisions scandal.” It puts usc on blast but it is very well produced and gives an interesting take on college admissions. Great watch!


watched it as soon as it came out… it was a good documentary…


i got a question. i wouldnt get ap credit for calc 1 and 2 at usc because i got a 3 on that test but it qualified at the university im at right now and i was able to do calc 3 last semester and doing linear algebra this semester. because i have credit for calc 1/2 here and am doing well in courses ahead of those two, i wouldnt be expected to take it at usc correct? i can just move forward? this is of course assuming im in but just asking how it works

yes u r fine, since u r beyond calc 1 and 2, it’s the same as if u have taken calc 1 and 2

I really hope the decisions for TTP come out todayyyyy.

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Hope for non ttp too :sob:


The come in waves together (TTP and regular) not separately. This is logical week for them to roll some out, but they were noticeably a week later this year on both scholarship and regular decision rounds.


For TTP were you able to apply for a different major in your transfer application than the one you’d applied for when offered TTP? Is this discouraged or ok as long as you have that plan set before the June counselor meeting? Thank you!

You are awesome!

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I checked my financial aid portal and it now says “Financial Aid Summaries for transfer students will be released in early June”. Rip

I try and honestly, it needed to be said out loud… we all know the reality of the application process… its why we are all here… we are STRESSED THE ****OUT LOL… we do not need added negativity from those who cannot fight the hatred within themselves so they hope to bring misery unto others in hopes they can break the loneliness… remember its just words from someone we do not even care to know so why should their opinions matter within the world you are creating? It shouldn’t and that is not limited to the internet trolls that pry unto CC or any other social media platform but anywhere… You are only in control of yourself, your actions, and responses… so brush that crap off and continue to focus on the obstacle at bay… we have been waiting since January 31 (maybe longer if you were like me and apply on January 1 :sweat_smile:) on a decision… we will hear from the office any day…or week now. Let that sink in… WE GOT THIS!!!

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Well, that makes more sense since the deadline for the decisions is 31 May… you cannot really be too surprised on that… Its definitely frustrating because we just…want…to…know already. It is human nature we 1, hate to feel we are NOT in control and 2, to know someone HAS control. LOL Breathe Tails… It will all be over soon… (trust me I am literally telling myself this every day…multiple times a day)

Hope my decision happens sometime before I move again. My dads also in the military and we’re moving across the country sometime in June by car :pensive:


Oh I retired in 2019, I do not miss the PCS process (the moving, out-processing, etc.). I know it was a lot for my daughter and she is now 11. I can only imagine how stressful it would have been if she was in high school or in college still living with me… I retired in Florida and took a leap of faith to move out to California (I drove that bad boy too with my daughter) to be with my boyfriend (now fiancé) so the leap has been good to me thus far. Where are you driving to (if you do not mind me asking)?

I used to live in Florida. I think I was only three though. Driving to Virginia

That is quite the cross country trip :slight_smile: … Well, I hope you hear something before you leave.

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Yesterday I got a request for winter grades, do you guys know the difference between winter grades and spring grades request?